Chapter 1 - First Day Back

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I get up and have a shower, first day back to school and i will finally see my friends, i finish getting ready and go downstairs "I wish your brothers would get ready as fast as you" My dad says and i chuckle "You know popular guys always get to school late" I say and smile "Well, i wouldn't know" My dad says and passes me an apple

"Be home straight after school today, you are going to meet someone tonight" My dad says and i smile bright "you are bringing your girlfriend over tonight?" I ask my my dad nods "Well, 'm glad i finally get to meet her" I say and kiss his cheek 

"RYDER, ALEC I'M LEAVING SO IF YOU WANT A RIDE HURRY UP" I scream and i see the twins running down the stairs "Dad how is it fair that she gets a car and we don't ? She's not even suppose to be allowed to drive " Ryder says and i rolled my eyes

"Lets see, good grades? I don't drink or smoke? I don't fuck every girl i see" I say and my dad looks at me "Hey it's true" I say and chuckle, we get in my chevy impala 67 and i tap the wheel "Can we at least put a good song?" Ryder asks from next to me "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole" I say and start driving

"You know, you could at least have picked a good car " Alec says and i gasp "what, bitch this is car is better than a lot of new cars" I say and park my car "Now if you take more than 10 minutes to get to my car after school, find yourself another ride" I say and look at them as they nod 

I park my car and we get out "See you later little sister" Ryder says and walks away with Alec and his "friends" "HEY GIRL" Sophia says next to me, she hugs me tight and i smile "hiii" I reply "Hey hey hey" Ethan says and hugs me

"Got any news?" Ethan asks and i nod "Well" I say as we start walking towards the gates "My dad is bringing his girlfriend over for me, Zoey and my brothers to meet tonight. You guys have any ?" I ask "I got a baby sister on board" Sophia says and i smile "And i have a boyfriend" Ethan say and i squeal 

"Oh my god, i need to meet this guy asap" I say, yes Ethan is gay, "He doesn't got to this school, he just recently moved to California. His name is Issac, he's 18 and he is HOOT" Ethan says and i chuckle "I am glad you found a man boo" Sophia says and i chuckle

"So, is your brother in today?" Sophia asks shyly "yeah" I reply smiling "Oh lord, do i look pretty ?" She says and i roll my eyes "Sophia you always look pretty plus it's not like he's going to notice us, he's the popular guy along with Ryder, those type of people never notice us" I say and close the locker door

i turn around and bump into the one and only Jackson Grey "Sorry i didn't see you" He says and i shrug "No one ever does" I say and smile "Wait, you're Ryder and Alec's sister right?" He asks and i nod "Well nice to meet you " He says "Angel" I reply and he smiles "You sure look like one" he says smirking and i smile 

"Well Jackson, you can stop the flirting now" I say and the smirk leaves his face "You are nothing like your brothers" He says and i nod "Yeah, i don't have sex with everyone in the school, now if you'll excuse me I have a lesson to get to" I say and push past him with Sophia and Ethan behind me

"You go girl" Ethan says and i chuckle "One thing, if he's a player than i'm the coach" I say and they chuckle as we walk in class, we sit down and just watch the room fill with teenagers and that's when i zoom out

"Angelina" I hear someone says snapping me away from my thoughts "huh?" i ask rather loudly "Can you answer the question i just said?" Mrs Pierce asks and i look around just to notice that i'm still in class "Umm, no" I reply and she rolls her eyes "I thought that this year you would start listening" She says and i take a deep breath

"Have you realized who you're talking to Mrs Pierce? The girl that always gets good grades in your class, do you know why? Because i listen to the important stuff not the bullshit that you keep talking about, as you can see no one really cares about plant cells do we" i say "Angelina you have detention tomorrow after school" She says and i chuckle "k" I reply and the bell goes 

"Bye bye" I say and leave "Whats going on with you today girl?" Sophia asks "I'm on my period" I reply and roll my eyes "That explains a lot" Ethan says and i chuckle "Tree or table?" Sophia asks "Tree" Me and Ethan say in unison

Last 2 lessons

Dance class is next, my favorite lesson "Can we have Angels group performing please" Danny, the dancing teacher says, "Okay" I say as i plug my phone on the speaker and start the song "1, 2, 3" I say and we start dancing

"Well, you guys are always working hard on your performances aren't you?" Danny says and we smile "It's what we do best Danny" I speak for all of us and she smiles "You know, maybe one day that can get you far in life" She says and i smile "Maybe" I say and turn to Ethan and Sophia 

"Okay class, i want you guys to create another dance routine with your groups, and the bets group will teach the class the dance routine so we can perform it to the school on the schools 20 year anniversary" Danny says and my mouth drops to the floor "Guys we need to work hard on this one okay?" I say and they nod "Tomorrow we can start at my house since i have a dance room" I say and they agree

"you know, you should sing for the talent show" Ethan says and i shrug "I don't sing" I say and he rolls his eyes "You don't but you can" Sophia says and i shrug "Maybe i should start" I say and they cheer

After School

I am currently waiting for my brother to come, they have one minute until i get in my car and leave them behind "Hey sis, you can leave, we are going with Jackson" Alec says and i just punch his arm "I have been waiting for over 30 minutes for you to say you are not coming with us? Plus dad is expecting us home tonight so stop being a prick and get your ass in the car" I snap and they roll their eyes 

"Period?" They ask in unison and i just storm in my car, i see them saying bye to Jackson before getting in the car "Look Angel i know you're angry but-" I cut him off by taking a deep breath "Don't speak to me moron" I say and start driving, sometimes my brother can be pricks to me in front of their friends but who said i care

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