Chapter 17 - Why ??

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"Hey Dan who is it?" I shout and go into the living room "Jackson" i say surprised

"W-why are you here?" I stutter and he just hugs me tight "I thought i'll never see you again" He whispers and i pull away from the hug "How do you know each other babe?" Dan asks me and Jackson freezes "You guys are together?" Jackson asks and i nod "Yeah since you decided to forget about me i had to move on" I reply "I called you everyday for the past year, i have been searching for you ever since you left" Jackson says "I suffered for a whole year Jackson, waiting for you and now that i'm happy you just crash into my life?" i say and Jacksons eyes fill with tears

"Still here guys" Daniel says and i look at him "I'm leaving " I say and just leave, i get in my car and start crying. All the memories, the fights, the heart breaks, the love we had came rushing back. I started driving and as soon as i got home i went straight up to my room, i grab my guitar and start singing "little did you know i, i'll love you till the sun dies" I sing and take a deep breath "What wrong honey?" Aunt sat down next to me and hugged me "He's back auntie, he came back for me" I say and she looks surprised "And how is that bad?" She asked and i shrug "He didn't speak to me for a year, then there's Daniel" I say and she sighs

"You know, i was right in you place couple of years back" She says and i look at her "I fell in love with your uncle, but he left me for two years. But once he found his way back to me, we noticed that we were still in love. and we were happy until the accident" My auntie says and i sigh, my uncle died 3 years ago in a accident. He drove off a bridge to save someone in the road "What should i do?" I ask and she smiles "Talk to him before you go to California" She says and i hug her "Thank you so much auntie you're the best " I say and get up

~At Costa

I called Jackson to meet me here so we can talk "Hey" He says while sitting down "Why did you take so long?" I ask "I moved out of my your dads house, so i had to work and pay a rent but i couldn't get myself to earn enough money. and once i did i booked the first flight to Miami" Jackson explains and i look at him, he still looks perfect "Angel, i love you" He says and my eyes start to water "I know, and i love you too" I reply and look him in the eyes "I'm going to California tomorrow for a week" I say and he nods "Why?" He asks and take a deep breath "it's Zoeys birthday, and Ryders wedding with Sophia" I reply and look at Jackson 

"You haven't changed a thing" I say and he nods "You know, for a year i tried to get my life straight for you. I got a job in a restaurant, got my own place but then i had to leave it with your brothers so i could come find you" Jackson says and i look at my hands "This past year has been hard for me, i wasn't able to see anyone from my family, my father didn't let me go to California to see everyone because of us " I say and look up at him "I'm sorry" He says and i shrug "It's not your fault, it was love. I know that it was real because we always find a way back to each other" I say and he nods .... We talked for ages and for the first time, i was happy "So you fell down a hill because you were trying to take a picture of a bird?" Jackson laughed making me laugh 

"Hey at least i got that picture and my camera was okay" I laughed and parked the car in front of Daniels apartment "So i'll see you in a week?" Jackson asks and i nod, and thats when he does something that surprised me, he kissed me, his lips were still the same soft lips i fell in love with. He was still the crazy Jackson that i fell in love with, we pulled away and i smiled "I'll see you in a week gorgeous" He says and gets out the car

I drive home and meet Aunt Lucy in the living room "How did it go?" She asks "Well, we talked about how we felt when we left each other and then i dropped him home, and we kissed" I say and my auntie smiles at me "Did you tell him about tomorrow?" She asks and i nod "Yeah, he will be waiting for me" I reply "And what about Daniel?" My auntie says and i freeze "Shit" I say and my auntie chuckles "Take your time, but when you come back, make sure you tell him okay?" Auntie says and i nod

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