Chapter 11 - Already?

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I woke up in my bedroom, not really knowing how i got here. I sit up and look around, i shrug and go to the bathroom before having a shower and getting changed

I walk downstairs and see my dad and Zoey "Hey sweetie" My dad says and pecks my cheek "Hey dad, hey pumpkin" I say and pick up Zoey "Where are you going?" she asks and i shrug "To the beach, do you want to come?" I ask and she shakes her head 

"I'm going to Jamie's birthday party" She says and smiles "Well you guys have fun then, i'll see you later" I say and peck their cheek before leaving, i get in my car and smile before driving off towards the beach 

I get there, take my clothes off leaving me in my bikini and just lie down to catch a tan. I am currently lying down on my stomach while on my phone, i decide to call Jackson but he doesn't answer so i just decide to leave it alone and go in the water

I hide my things and go into the water, smiling as the cold water cools me down, i set my sunglasses on top of my head to keep my hair away from my face just to see Jackson with another girl. They are playing around and laughing before he kisses her, they look so happy. I was so stupid to think that Jackson Grey would be in love with me . He looks over to me and his smile drops, he lets go off the beautiful blonde girl and comes over to me

"Angel it's not what it look like" He says and i chuckle "Hey, it's okay. I was stupid for think you would want anything with me, but i don't really care about me anymore. I care about her, she seemed happy with you and you, just yesterday was with another girl" I say and he gulps "I'm sorry" He says and i shrug"You shouldn't be saying that to me Jack" I say and look behind him to see the blondie closer to us "Hey Dillon whats going on? And who's this, is this your brothers girl you were talking about?" She asks and i smile "Hey, not really i'm just his friends sister, nice to meet you i'm Angel" I say and smile while putting my hand out 

"Stacy" She says and smiles while taking my hand "I have to go now, all the best to you Jackson, or should i say Dillon ?" i say and walk away "What was that about?" Stacy asks "Nothing" Jackson says and i sigh. After that i just decided to go home, i get home and see Alec "Can i dance?" I ask and he shrugs "After you go hospital to take the stitches out you can" He says and smiles at me

"I'm getting them off today?" I ask and he nods, we walk out and bump into Jackson "Can we help you?" I ask and he looks down "I'm sorry for not telling you about Stacy, i'm going to break up with her i swear just give me some time" He says and i shake my head "I'm not a backup plan Jackson, if you want someone like that then go find a slut" I say and push past him before getting my car 

~After hospital

We got back home and i smile before running up to the attic aka my dancing studio, i smile as i turn up the music, i start dancing and soon i notice two people dancing with me. I smile knowing it's Sophia and Ethan 

We stop dancing and i hug them "We can finally dance again" Ethan says and smiles "Are you coming prom or graduation?" Sophia asks as we sit, i look at her and raise an eyebrow "When is it? I totally forgot about it" i ask and she chuckles "Friday" She says and my eyes widen "You telling me i have two days to chose a dress and heels?" I ask and she nods, i get up and look at them 

"We are going prom shopping" I say and turn on my heel with them both behind me "Alec i'm going prom shopping goodbye" I say and leave with Sophia and Ethan


We get there and go into a random shop and start looking through the dresses "What are you guys wearing?" I ask and Sophia looks at me "A long baby blue dress with white heels" she replies and i nod "And you?" I ask Ethan "A black suit with a black tie " He replies and i nod okay .....

I finished shopping and we decided to go Starbucks, "So what did you do while we were in school?" Ethan asked "I went to the beach, then i went hospital to take out my stitches" I reply and pay for our drinks "How is school? It's getting boring staying at home everyday" I say and they smile "Well, we applied for dancing college" Sophia says and smiles "For us three" Ethan says and my eyes widen "No way" I say smiling "And we got in" Sophia says and i squeal

"No fucking way" I say and hug them "Hey cutie" The guy at the counter says with out drinks, he look at me and winks before showing me a blank paper "can i get your number?" he says and i shrug "I mean you're cute so sure" I say and write my number down before smiling and walking away with my drink before my phone rang, i picked up and and looked back to the guy at the counter " Just checking if you were telling the truth Angel" He says and i chuckle "Name is Derek by the way" He says and i smile "I guess you already know my name" I say "Yes i do. gotta go now tho before i lose my job" He says and hung up

I put my phone away and the smile disappears from my face as i see Jackson and Stacy walk in, i look at them and Stacy comes over to me "Hey again" She says and hugs me "Hey Stacy" I say and smile before she walks back to Jackson "hold up" Ethan says and goes to Jackson before punching him in the face "That's for lying" Ethan says and punches Jackson again "And thats for having a girlfriend while going out with my best friend" Ethan says and walks back to me

"Wait a second, you cheated on me?" Stacy says and he looks at me "How could you Dillon? You say you loved me" Stacy says and tears roll down her cheek as she slaps Jackson in the face "We are over" she says and storms away, he walks up to us and i cross my arms "I'm single" He says and i chuckle "Well awesome but i have someone else in mind" I say and wave at Derek before sending him a air kiss as he pretends to catch it 

I push past Jackson and get in my car "Lets go home guys" I say and leave

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