Chapter 4 - Please Come Back

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1 Week Later 

Alec's P.O.V

"Anyone here to visit Angelina Parker?" The nurse asks, me and my dad both shoot up and walk towards here "Is she okay?" I ask and she shakes her head "Unlike her friends, Angelina wasn't wearing a seat belt so she flew out of her car as soon as she hit the lamp post and with that she suffered from severe injuries which caused  blood loss" The nurse explained 

"Please get to the point" I say and she nods "She has to be kept on oxygen at all times and she didn't get any better than when we last checked " The nurse said and i take a deep breath "I-is she dying?" I ask my voice cracking "Luckily, no but she is very weak at the moment" The nurse says and i look down

"It's all his fault" I say as i see Ryder walking in "Alec, Stop" My dad says but anger takes over me, i storm to Ryder and push him towards outside the hospital "This is all your fault, are you happy?" I say angrily "I was drunk Alec" He says and i roll my eyes "She might die because YOU were being a fucking pussy, it was never her fault it was yours " I scream and he looks at me confused

"Ryder you were the drunk driver that killing our mum" I say and he freezes "W-what" He says "And because of your stupid ways mum died and now i might lose my sister " I say angrily "I'm sorry" Ryder says and i scoff "It's a little too late now don't you think?" I say and storm inside "Can i see her?" I ask the nurse and she nods

I walk into her room and see Angelina lying down, she's pale, her hair is messy, she has bruises and cuts all over her arms and a few on her face yet she still manages to look beautiful just like our mother "Hey Angel, you probably can't hear me but i just wanted to say that I'm sorry, i'm sorry for letting Ryder hurt you, i'm sorry for not helping you, i'm sorry for telling you to drink that night" I say and grab her pale hands 

"Sissy, i need you please don't leave me too" I say and the tears start to fall, soon i hear the machines beeping noting that her heart rate is going up, "This is a miracle" The nurse said and i look her her "I guess she came back for you son" The Dr said as he gives me a smile "She sure did" I say smiling 

"Are you like her lover?" The nurse asks  and i chuckle "Not really, i'm her brother" I reply and she nods while smiling "Are you guys close?" She asks and i nod "Yeah, she's the most important person in my life" I say and the nurse gives me another smile "I'm glad you guys are close, you know my children used to fight a lot" The nurse says and i nod

"How old were your children ?" I asked "Alice was 12 and Diego was 15" She replies "That's why, once they get older they will value what they have" I say and she nods "Well thanks for the talk, I have to go now" She says and leaves

"I came as soon as i heard, is she okay?" My dad says running to me, i nod and hug him "She came back for us dad" I say and pull away from the hug "She came back for you Alec" My dad says and i nod, you probably thought that me and Ryder were the closest siblings but i juts hang out with him the most but actually me and Angel are the closest ones

"Alec and Robert Parker?" The nurse asks and we turn around "Angelina is awake" 

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