Chapter 15- Bad News

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I woke up wrapped in Jacksons arms, i smile and turned around to look at him "Hey" He says and pecks my lips "Hi" I reply still smiling "You look tired" He jokes and i chuckle before getting up, i looked down and noticed i was naked, i wrapped a towel around my body "I'm going to go have a shower" I say and walk to the bathroom ... After my shower i just got changed and went downstairs  "You know you and Jackson should learn to be more quiet" Ryder says and i blush "I'm kidding but your bed sure makes a lot of noises" He says and walks away

"You and Jackson huh ?" Alec says and i shrug "You know i don't like that right ?" He says and i nod "just be careful? i don't want you to be another Stacy okay?" He says and pecks my forehead before leaving , I continue making my tea and go to the living room where everyone, including Liz is "Hey" She says and i smile "Hey" I reply and then she looks at dad making him sigh "Dad?" i ask and he smiles

"Baby i know you're not going to like this but you and Jackson" My dad says and i give him a confused look "You don't belong together " Liz finishes "I'm very confused" I say and my dad sighs "I'm sending you to live with Aunt Lucy" He says and i freeze "W-what?" I let out as tears fill up my eyes "I can't go to Miami, i have a whole life here. I can't leave Sophia and Ethan, and my dancing college" I say and he looks down "Look Angel, i know you don't like this idea but you have to go, you are under aged so you do what i tell you" My dad says and i look at Alec who avoids eye contact 

"Fine, at least i will be far from all of you" I say and storm out my house to see my car gone "We already shipped your car to Miami" Ryder says and i just nod and start walking, Sophia's house isn't that far anyways... I get there and knock "Hey whats wrong?" She asks noticing my red pussy eyes, we go in and i tell them what my dad said "You are leaving us ? And dancing college?"Ethan says and i nod "I have no choice" I reply and they hug me, by now we are all crying   

Sophia drove me home and when i got there half of my room was packed "You leave tomorrow morning" My dad says and walks out, i sit on my bed and just cry "It's going to be okay" Jackson says and sits next to me "It won't, nobody wants to see us together Jack" I say and he kisses me "You see, they might not want us together but it's our life baby. Plus i'm 18, i can work and go meet you there okay?" He says and i nod, he takes of his necklace (Search up Klaus' mocking bird necklace and thats how his looks like, TVD fans will know) he puts it on me and kisses my forehead "Just know that wherever you go i will be there with you baby you know why? Because i love you" He says and pecks my lips

"I love you too" I reply and he smiles "I promise that i will find a way to get to you" He says and his mum appears at the door "Time to go Jackson" Liz says and Jackson pecks my lips "I'll see you soon princess" He whispers and pecks my forehead before leaving, Jackson is also moving somewhere but to be honest not even he knows. I will miss my life in California

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