Chapter 6 - Disney Movies

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I woke up and took a deep breath, i got up and  had my shower before changing, i made my way downstairs and made some tea, i look at the clock and notice is 10 am  

I leave the kettle and start making bacon and scrambled eggs "I smell food" Ryder says from behind me and i smile, by the way me and Ryder talked about what happened and made up "That's good, do you want some?" I ask and he nods "The frying pan is right there" I say and leave to the living room with my food and tea

"You are one greedy child Angel" Ryder says and i shrug not really caring "Can you pass me the remote?" I ask and he rolls his eyes but does it anyways "Why are you up early? Waiting for Jackson?" He says and i roll my eyes "Dude, i always wake up at this time, plus try sleeping with this on your side" I say and pull up my top showing the stitches (by the way i have yoga shorts on) "Must be hard" He says and i nod

He leaves for school and Alec comes down "Why did Ryder leave so late?" I ask and Alec sits next to me "We have an excuse to go late to school" Alec says and i give him a confused look "The principal knows that dad works a lot so we are here taking care of our little sister Angelina" Alec says and i chuckle

"I wanna dance" I say and look at Alec "Angel you know you can't" Alec says and i nod and sigh "I just wish i could, dancing is the one thing that makes me happy" I say and he looks away "What about singing?" Alec asks "It's what mum loved most about you because you got her talent" Alec says and i nod "I know but, since she died, i don't sing to anyone anymore" I say and he nods

"Can you sing to me?" He asks and i look at him "Please" He says and i nod before getting up, we go to my room and i sit on my keyboard and start playing. It reminds me of when my mum taught me to play this, a tear rolls down my cheek as i finish the song "You sound a lot like mum" Alec says and i nod

"I know, and that's why i stopped singing because it would affect Ryder" I say and take a deep breath "Hey, Ryder should be happy that there's still a part of mum with us Angel" Alec says and pull me into a hug "You're our Angel" Alec says and the tears start falling "I miss her so much Alec"I say and hold him tight "I know you do, so do i" Alec says and looks at me

"she will forever be with us" Alec says before the doorbell started ringing "I will get that" HE says and leaves, i get up and look in the mirror. I fix myself up and take a deep breath before making my way down the stairs 

"Starbucks?" Jackson says and hands me my favorite frapp "How did you know?" I ask and he smiles and looks at Alec "Well, may the Disney marathon begin" Jackson says and i smile

5 hours later

It's currently 6pm and we are watching frozen "Can i say something crazy?" I say "I love crazy" Jackson asks "All my life has been a series of doors in my face and then suddenly i bump into you" I sing "I was thinking the same thing cause like I've been searching my whole life to find a new place, and maybe it's the party talking or the chocolate fondue" Jackson sings

"But with you" I sing "But with you" Jackson sings "i found my place" I sing "I see your face" Jackson, We sing the whole song and at the end he spins me and does the dip, our faces are centimeters apart and my heart is beating like crazy

His eyes goes from my eyes to my lips as he leans closer and closer "Hey Angel i'm going-" Alec says and me and Jackson look at him before Jackson drops me "Hey" I say angrily and Jackson looks at me "Oh um sorry" He says and helps me up

did he just get nervous? Naah i'm probably seeing things "Like i was saying, i'm going to pick Ryder up with your car okay?" He says and i get up "Hell to the no, nobody drives my car except me" I snap and Alec holds his hands up in surrender "Fine you drive" Alec says and i smile

I get in my car and smile "Hey baby i missed you" I say and tap the wheel "She talks to her car?" Jackson whispers "Dude, just wait " Alec replies "I am so sorry for crashing you into that street light, but it's alright now isn't it? you are nice and new baby" I say and smile 

"God i missed this car" I say and start driving "Wait, where are we going ?" I ask "To Sophia's" Alec says and my eyes widen "Hold the fuck up, Ryder is at Sophia's house?" I ask and he nods as we park at Sophia's, i look to her door and see Ryder walking out

He smiles and pecks Sophia's lips making my jaw fall to the ground "NO FUCKING WAY" I scream and Sophia looks at me and smiles, she waves and goes back in as Ryder gets in my car "You are dating Sophia?" I ask and he nods "Yeah, didn't you know?" Ryder asks and i shake my head

"1 ... 2 .... and-" Alec says but i cut him off "LORD FUCKING JESUS, OH MY CAS " I squeal and they all look at me "I'm done" I say and start driving "This girl is awesomely crazy" Jackson says and i smirk "Thanks J" I say and smile

We get back to my house and we all lie on the couch with me between Alec and Jackson "I love how you are such a child" Jackson whisper into my ear, i turn to him and notice how close our faces are

We start leaning in until 

A/N : CLIFFHANGER!!!! Will they kiss ?? or will they get interrupted again? Wait to find out ;)

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