Chapter 13 - Stacy

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I get up and have a shower, i wrap a towel around me and look in the mirror while putting my hair to one side and look at the love bites Jackson had given me. I chuckle and grab my foundation, i cover it up and smile before getting changed 

I go downstairs and hear a knock on the door, i open it and see "Stacy?" I ask and she looks at me blankly making me uncomfortable "Can i help you?" I ask and she slaps me "What the fuck is wrong with you?" She screams and i just look at her "Dillon cheated on me because of you, we were happy until you came along. I loved him and you had to ruin it" She says angrily and i just stare at her

"Excuse me? But if Jackson chose me when he had you it means that you clearly wasn't what he was looking for" I snap at her and i see he fist clench "Look here Stacy, i didn't force him to come to me plus me and Jackson went on one date. It's not like i want him in my life anymore" I say and look behind her "Stacy?" Jackson asks and my heart drops "I thought you didn't want him in your life" She says and i roll my eyes "Who says i came here for her" He says looking me up and down before screw facing, she chuckles and goes over to him 

"I knew you would come to your senses babe" She says and tries to kiss him but he looks away "You broke up with me now why don't you exit my life? the door is right there" Jackson says and a chuckle escapes my lips "Fine" She says and pushes past him, i look at him and smile as i see her getting in a car and leaving

Jackson pushes me inside and closes the door before kissing me, we pull away and i shake my head before pointing upwards, i hear steps coming downstairs "What are you doing here?" I snap and Jackson pushes past me as to pretend he just walked inside "I'm here for my friend" He says and i roll my eyes when i notice that Ryder is watching "Have fun with this dick Ryder, i'm going to Sophias" I say and just get in my car before i start to drive away

I get to a waterfall and sit down watching the water and enjoying the silent, i smile at the thought of me and Jackson but my smile fades away as i realize that me and him, will never be together. I like him i really do but is it  worth it? He could do the same thing he did to Stacy, what if his name isn't really Jackson? what if Dillon is the real guy ? But for now i'm just going to have some fun with him until i decide what better for my life, sometimes it's good to have some fun

A/N: Sorry for such a short chapter guys, i promise next chapter will be much longer

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