Chapter 8 - Friends ?

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I woke up with a big smile on my face, i get up have a shower and get changed before making myself downstairs "You're in a good mood and you got changed into something that isn't trampy" Ryder says and i roll my eyes "Don't ruin my good mood, now can you call Alec?" I ask and he nods

"Wassup" Alec asks "You know how i'm not allowed to go school until after the summer holidays?" I ask  "It's not like we have long until the holidays, i mean it is only a week " He says "Can i still go out to like Starbucks or something ?" I ask and he nods "As long as you're not doing anything that will open your stitches then yeah" He says and i smile

I peck his cheeks and walk to the door "I'm not coming home until late okay? I will be driving around so if u need anything do not call me" I say and he chuckles but nods, i get in my car and smile "Today will be just me u and our music until school is over" I say to my car and drive off

I have been driving around for about 4 hours and i'm about to stop to pick up Sophia and Ethan, i stop at school and just watch as a crowd walks out the school, Sophia and Ethan get in my car and i smile "Wanna eat ?" I ask and they nod

"what you want to eat ?" I ask and they look at each other "PIZZA" They yell making me smile and drive away "Are you coming to school before the holidays? " Sophia asked and i shake my head "No but thats not the reason why i picked you up today" I say and smile

"Yesterday after we kissed on the couch, i went downstairs and we kissed again like proper make up, and he picked my up and set me on the counter on the progress and we ended up being caught by Alec, he told me to leave so i did but was listening behind doors when Jackson admitted that he liked me and that i'm the only girl he actually liked" I say and they squeal

"But you have to be careful with him" Sophia says and i chuckle "Says the one who's dating Ryder" I say and she chuckles "Both of  u need to be careful" Ethan says and i nod as i park my car at a random pizza place 

~Back Home

I dropped Ethan and Sophia home and right now i'm just sitting in my room listening to music before i decided to sing a little  "I'm hopelessly devoted to you" I sing and smile "Who are you hopelessly devoted to ?" Jackson asks from behind me scaring the life out of me "You know" He says spinning me around 

"I didn't know you could sing so good" Jackson says and i shrug "I don't really sing" I say and he raises an eyebrow "Why?" He asks and i sigh "Because it reminds everyone of my mother, we kinda have similar voices" I explain and he nods "I think your mother would be happy if you didn't hide your gift" He says and i look at him

"I don't hide it, i just prefer dancing" I say and he nods "You could always do both" He says and i shrug 

"Do you want to talk about last night?" He asks and i shrug "Do you?" I ask and he nods "Do you like me back as much as i like you?" He asks "How much do you like me?" I ask "More than i have ever liked anyone" He says and my heart starts beating fast

"You do?" I ask and he nods "How could i trust you? I mean you are the biggest player in school" I say and he grabs my hand "Would you be mine so i can show you ?" He asks and i look at him "I-I-I can't" I stutter "Why?" He asks sounding hurt, he sounds like he's about to cry

I look at him straight in the eyes as my eyes along with his fill with tears "Because i don't know if you actually like me" I say hurt and he nods before getting up "I will prove it to you Angelina, just wait" He says, he kisses my cheek and with that he leaves

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