Chapter 14 - Time For A Wedding

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3 months later - by the way, Jackson and I aren't in very good terms. I made him promise that he wouldn't do what he did to Stacy to me and he went and did the exact same things so now we mostly have real fights

"Angel wake up, wake up" Zoey says while jumping on my bed waking me up "I'm up" I say with a raspy voice "It's Daddys wedding day" She says happily and my eyes shot open, i grab her by the waist while getting up and spin her around "It's today" I say and dance around the room with Zoey "Elsa?" She says and i look at her "Do you wanna build a snowman?" She sings making laugh "come on let's go and play" I sing and dance around with her ... We sing the song and somehow we ended up in the living room "I love how hopelessly devoted to Disney you are" Jackson says while laughing and i chuckle

"Disney is life" i say and smile "I noticed queen Elsa" He says and i look down at the Elsa costume i was wearing "And i have noticed that you Mr Hans, also happens to know a lot about Disney" I reply and he shrugs "Learn it from you" He replies and i smile "Learn from the biggest Disney fan" I say and flick my hair "I'm surprised you guys aren't fighting" Ryder says and i shrug "I mean, we are talking about Disney but that doesn't necessarily mean i like him" I reply and Jackson rolls his eyes "Look i said I was sorry okay? what else do you want me to do?" He asks and i shrug "I would say get the hell out of my life but now i have to live with you" I snap at him and just walk away 

"I have never really known the reason for you and Jacksons hatred for each other" Alec says and i take a deep breath "Me and Jackson went on a date, the day after that i saw him with some girl at the beach and it ended up they were dating for a while. After they broke up me and him just couldn't stay away from each other, if you know what i mean" I say and look at Alec and he gives me a disgusted look "You telling me you guys had sex?" He asked and i nod "Couple of times, but anyways i made him promise that he wouldn't do the same he did to Stacy to me" I say "But he went and did the exact same thing he did to Stacy to you?" He asks and i nod "He had sex with Stacy" i reply and Alec nods

"I'm going to fucking kill the bastard" Alec says angrily but i grab him "It's okay, it doesn't really matter anymore. Me and him we are over" I said, i knew half of those words were a lie, it did matter and i wish it wasn't over but i have to face it, he is Jackson Grey, the biggest player alive.

~Wedding Time

I finished getting ready and met with everyone (except my dad and Liz) downstairs, i took Zoeys hand and got in my car "Do we have to take you dirty car?" Jackson asks and i shrug "You don't, but do you have any other car you can use douche?" I ask and he rolls his eyes, we get in the car and i start driving "Your car stinks" Jackson says and Alec's and Ryder's eyes widen "Excuse me?You trying to say my car stinks? Have you smelt yourself before dickhead? You smell like a bag of fish sticks for being inside Stacys legs" I snap at him and he opens his mouth to talk "You don't get to talk, this is my car and i make the rules, once you get in this car you don't talk shit about baby, and if you do you are going to fly out this car you hear me ?" I say angrily and she shuts up 

"Never talk shit about her car, she will literally punch you" Ryder says "How do you think i got this scar?" he asks and shows a scar he has on his eyebrow that was made by me when he tried to call my car ugly, lets just say the bottom of my stairs wanted a hug "She punched you?" Jackson asked "She pushed me down the stairs and i fell on one of Zoeys toys" Ryder replied and Jackson looked at me "Damn" He replies and i shrug "Nobody has the right to talk about my car unless it's good" I reply and park the car

We go inside and i see my dad standing down the isle making me smile, we take out seats at the front and wait ..... "You may kiss the bride" The priest says and i smile as my dad kisses Liz, we get to the party place and it is huge "Damn, this is awesome" I say and look around, soon a slow songs comes on and everyone grabs a partner, and guess what, me and Jackson are the only ones left "Wanna dance?" He asks and i shrug "Yeah" I reply and take his hand, we dance for a while and i look up at him "Did you mean it? when you said that you were sorry ??" I asked and he nodded "Yeah, i would never hurt you like that Angel" Jackson says and i look away "I see you guys are getting on well again"My dad says and i let go of Jacksons hand "I didn't have anyone else to dance with" I reply and go sit down

~Back home

We get home and i go straight to my room, i soon hear someone come in "What are you doing here?" I ask as i see Jackson "Now you are going to listen" He says and i look at him confused "Look Angel, i was drunk she spiked my drink and thats the only reason why i would ever get in bed with her again, i was with her for 4 weeks but she started getting nasty but she had control over something i did on my dark stages and i couldn't have that out to the world. I didn't want to be there with her, i wanted to be there with you, i want to be with you and grow old with you without being afraid of losing you to someone else" He says and i didn't know what to do, but i kissed him passionately and he kissed back instantly

"I can't do this" I said and look at him as his eyes fill with tears "W-what?" He asks "I can't live without you anymore Jackson"

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