Chapter 12 - PROM

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"GET THE FUCK UP" I hear Sophia scream me awake causing me to fall off my bed "Holy shit" I say and get up causing them to laugh "You look sexy" Ethan jokes and i look at myself, i was wearing a top that belong to Jackson and my underwear "You are still wearing something that belongs to him?" Ethan asks and i shrug "I guess, it's the only thing from him that makes me happy" I reply before getting crushed in a hug "We got Derek to take you to prom" Sophia says and i shrug "What about u ?" I ask and she smiles "I'm going with Ryder" She says and i nod "I guess it's better to go with starbucks guy than alone right?" I say and they smile

We go downstairs and i decide to make breakfast, i didn't bother putting shorts on since the top i was wearing went down to half way down my thigh "I like your top" Jackson says from behind me causing me to blush "Thanks" I reply "I like how you look in my top" He says and comes closer to me, in this kitchen is where it all happened "It's the only thing about us that made me happy" I said and look him in the eye "I know your mad at me" He says and i shake my head "I'm not mad, just upset that you said that you really liked me but you used me to cheat on Stacy" I say and look down

But he lift my head up by the chin "I do like you, i just didn't know how to break things up with her. And that day at the beach was the day i was going to break it off with her, but i felt bad so i called again and we went starbucks and i was going to do it then but Ethan beat me to it" Jackson explains and i look at him, he leans in but i look away "I know it's wrong" He says and i look at him before biting my lip, and that's when i did something i shouldn't have

I kissed him, it was good until i had to ruin it "I know this isn't right but sometimes it's okay to be wrong" I whisper "We can be a secret for a while can't we?" I ask and he nods "Just don't do what you did to Stacy, if you're into someone tell me okay?"I ask and he nods before i slap him "Get the fuck away from me Jackson, i don't want to see you, i don't wanna be touched by you and i sure as hell don't wanna be with you" I scream and he looks confused before going along with it "I never like you anyways, you were just a fucking game" He yells back and storms away 

"We heard it all, are you okay?" Ethan asks and i shrug "I am going to prom, i'm going to drink it all away and i'm going to have fun with Derek. Who says i need Jackson to be happy?" I say and smile "Exactly" Sophia says and smiles 

Sophia and Ethan went home so they could get ready for prom, i go into my room and get pushed against a wall before getting kissed, i know these lips "Jackson" I say and he smirks before kissing me again "I have to have a shower" I say and he kisses my neck "I'm going with you" he says and i smirk. We get in the shower together and he pins me up against the wall as he kisses my neck and pulls me closer to him, i can feel his hard member growing 

I stroke it a little and he looks at me before biting my bottom lip, he picks me up and inserts his member inside me causing me to moan, i scratched his back earning a few moans from him "Jack" I moan and he knows that we are both close so he puts me down before kissing me 

We finish our shower and go into my room before i hear a knock, i look at Jackson and he grabs his clothes and run into the closet "One second i'm naked " I yell and another knock, i wrap the towel around me and open the door "Is there someone here??" Alec asks and i shake my head "No just me why?" I ask and he shrugs "I thought i heard someone in here" He says and i chuckle "Something like this?" I ask and turn on my music "umm yeah, sorry" he says and leaves, i chuckle and lock the door before getting pinned against it again by Jackson

"Shhh" he says and kisses my neck before rubbing my clit "I have to get ready for prom" I say and he rolls his eyes "Fine"He says and kissed me one more time "Put some clothes on sexy beast" I say and he winks before getting his clothes back on "How will I get out of here?" He asks and i smirk while looking to my balcony "There's a fireman pole next to my balcony so you are going to have to climb down but be careful, Alec has super hearing" I say and he nods, he pecks my lips and down he goes, i chuckle and get changed


I get to skl and find Derek, Sophia, Ryder, Ethan and Isaac "Hey guys" I say and smile "What took you so long?" Sophia asks and i point to my hair "I curled it but it came out wrong so i had to do something to it, i'm so sorry" I say and she rolls her eyes "It's okay but now we have less time to party" She says and i chuckle "oh well" I say and walk in. We partied basically all night long before going back home and having a best friend sleepover

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