Chapter 16 - One Year Later

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Life in Miami is great, i met new friends and now i go Dance university. but i haven't heard of Jackson since i left California "Angel, Daniel is here to see you " Aunt Lucy says and i smile, i walk down the stairs and he pecks my lips "Hey babe, ready to go?" He asks and i nod "Are you coming back home tonight sweetie?" Aunt asks and i look at Daniel "Depends if she would want to" Daniel says and my auntie nods and waves "Keep in touch love" My auntie says and i nod before leaving "Can we go on my car please?" I ask and he nods "Fine" Daniel says and smile before getting in the passenger seat 

Jackson's P.O.V

I just arrived in Miami, it took so long to get the money to come here, i have been trying to find the love of my life since she left, and now that i'm here i will finally find Angel "Taxi" I say and get in, we stop at a red light and i look to my right to see the lovely chevy impala 67, i look to the drivers seat and see her, i see my baby Angelina but she's with someone else. i sigh and look away

Angel's P.O.V

We got to Daniels apartment and sit down "By the way you will be meeting a friend of mine later okay?" Daniel says and i nod "Wanna watch something while we wait?" Daniel asks and i shrug "Or we could do this" I say and kiss him, we make out for a while until we are both out of breath "Pizza?" He asks and i smile "Pizza" I reply and chuckle as he gets up to order pizza. The pizza is finally here and i am starving "You know, you are such a pizza freak" Daniel says and my jaw drops, i slap him with my pizza and smile "Pizza slap" I say and take a bite of my slice "How could you" He says pretending to be hurt

"Do you have any tea?" I ask and he chuckles "I mean if you haven't finished the last box then yeah" Daniel replies and i finally find the chamomile tea "Oh yeah" I say and turn on the kettle, i  drink my tea and start washing the dishes  "Baby you didn't have to" Daniel says and grabs my waist "If i didn't do it no one else would" I say and he chuckles before kissing me, my hands trail to his neck helping me to pull myself up, he pull my top of my head and sits me up on the counter, he kisses my neck and makes his was back to my lips as his hands trace up and down my bare skin 

I pull his top up and he kisses my neck finding my sweet spot making me moan just before someone knocks "For fuck sake" I say angrily and Daniel chuckles, i put my top back on and Daniel opens the door "Hey Dan who is it?" I shout and go to the living room "Jackson?" I say surprised 

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