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This is where my story begins. It all started when I was in 8th Grade. Life was good until things started to get ugly.


I struck my alarm clock with great force. Waking up every morning at 6:00 am wasn't my most favorite thing in the world, to be honest it was no where near my favorite thing in the world. I hauled myself out of bed and looked in the mirror just staring at my frizzy blonde hair. I mushed my face around praying that I would wake up. I ran my fingers through my hair. I remember when I was younger it used to be platinum but now it turned a little dark, must've been an age thing. I slowly shuffled to my closet throwing on some clothes, today was one of those lazy days. After doing my daily routine I tiptoed downstairs. My dog greeted me warmly on the stairs landing. I bent down to kiss his head. The house was quiet and peaceful for once. Being the only one up at this early in the morning made me look at the house with a different set of eyes. It almost looked lonely or like one of those haunted mansions. The thought of that sent a chill down my back as I ran out of the house and made my way down the road for school. As soon as I got outside the chilling air hit my body harder then a football player. My nose became red. Living in this town your whole life has its pros and cons. The pros were you knew all the roads and all the people in the town. The cons are if you ever move away then your screwed. I listened to the sound of my boots skim the ground. Theres one part of my town that has all these shops like Starbucks, coco chanel, urban outfitters, then a movie theater but it wasn't the best one in the world. I probably had a memory in each of those places. Then I saw my school, in front of it were a bunch of sixth graders gossiping away in their (what they call it) "gossip circle", something about the sixth graders pissed me off. I didn't know what, they just did.I was relived once the warmth of the school slowly graduated through my entire body. Just as always the front office was blabbing away for the announcements for today. The teachers would always talk about how much they wanted to just rip the loud speakers out of the walls.

"Hey Ell!" I heard a familiar voice next to me. It was Brianna, she's the first person I met in the middle school and she introduced me to her friends.

"Hey!" I replied sleepy still trying to wake up.

"OMG so I--." Thats when I stopped listening to her. She went on and on about some story I couldn't pay attention to. She never cared about anyone else just herself. Suddenly a shot of pain went through my shoulder to me head. I spazzed a little, it felt like it was burning. I almost screamed in pain. After a few seconds of torcherous pain I was released. I zoned out and tried to sleep with my eyes open.

"So what do you think?" She asked me. I froze trying to come up with something to say.

"I have no idea." I kept walking while she stopped and stared at the message board outside the school auditorium. She got distracted easily but you had to love her. I just kept walking. My locker was at the end of the hallway near my homeroom. Every time I tried to open my locker it wouldn't budge. I kicked it a few times.

"BAH!" Two hands grabbed my shoulders. I jumped.

"Oh my JESUS! What the hell!" I grabbed the rim of my coat. It was just my boyfriend Brandon. I grabbed him and he gave me a peck on my nose. He always knew how to make me smile.

"So beautiful, what are you up to?" He ran his fingers threw his dark brown hair.

"Surprisingly, nothing." I kicked my locker and it finally swung open. He smiled.

"Well, if you have nothing to do this friday I was thinking we could all hang out?" There was a little nervousness in his voice.

"Yea I'll come."

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