Frequently asked Questions

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*** Warning: Major Spoilers***

Q1. Why would you include the part when Ellie has good powers? Why not just make her normal?

A1. I want to include that part because it goes to show that even the people who seem to have the biggest hearts can be pushed to a point where they snap. And you never know what a person is capable of so be careful. Making her normal seemed boring. It kept it more interesting to make her to be good then in the end to become evil.

Q2. What exactly did happen to Ellie's mom when she became a "religious freak"?

A2. The Mother had also been possessed by Ellie's Father. It was all part of the plan. Not only would Ellie live a hard life at school but also at home. Also it was a little bit of her own personality too. After George (ellies stepfather) had died she battled depression and went a little crazy on the inside too, but nothing compared to what Ellies father did to her.

Q3. I noticed that Ellies hair changes color. Whats the significance of that?

A3. It shows when her soul was being taken over. I also tried to use it as a symbol for impurity. She went from being a platinum blonde to dark brown, and at the very end is the only moment when her hair was completely midnight black.

Q4. People have noticed your using the same named in your other books. Why?

A4. I know it seems impossible but once I'm finished with a few of them I might want to make them somehow connect to each other to make one gigantic story.... Im trying.

Q5. Why didn't you talk more about Lucious?

A5. Lucious was always a part of her because soon after that she started growing angrier and angreir. I didn't want to say too much about him to make the reader wondering when he was going to show up when really he was always there. He wasn't seeable to other people and not even to Ellie.

Q6. How did Ellies Mom ever meet her father, or the devil?

A6. Now this I never thought about. But I guess if I had to. make something up I would say Ellies mom was going through some hard times in her life too and satan came to her in her dreams. Almost like when the virgin mary is told she is going to be the mother of jesus. But reverse. Satan will make a form of his son as a human and force them to fall in love. Thus the birth or Ellie Satan and Jackson Satan. (If you want a full length version of the story, DM me and ill send it to you. Or even make another Chapter. Let me know.)

Q7. Did you model Ellie or any of the Characters after anyone you know?

I love this question. So SOME aspects of Elllie was modeled after me minus the part where she kills everyone in the school. The aspects of her that were like me is when she was "normal" for a while and the extreme emotions she felt when her and her step dad were fighting and others that are big and small. Jen was modeled after this girl I absolutly hated from the moment I met her. (no names will be given.) The nice and compassionate side of Brandon is modeled aftter a freind of mine. No his name wasn't anything close to Brandon but Ive always liked that name. So was the side we see of him at the very end. So yes, many people were.

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