The cold floor underneath me cooled my skin like laying in a blanket if snow. My vision still held sight of black spots. I rubbed my eyes slowly and raised my body off the ground. I was swore and limp on my feet. I stumbled a couple of times and had to grab the wall before making my way to the bathroom. I was afraid to see if my eyes were really red. I hoped it was all a big dream. But I was wrong. I lifted my head and my eyes were the same rich red color as blood. I have to admit, the color really complemented my skin color. My hands launched to my pockets. There was a small package in my pocket. I was surprised to see the contacts my father had given me. I softly placed them on the counter in front of me. Ive never put in contacts before.
"How hard could it be?" I whispered to myself. I opened my eye like I was applying eyeliner. I kept a steady hand. After placing it in it burned like hell. My eye started tearing and it itched. I wanted to rip it out but I couldn't. It was as if the underworld had released all its flames onto my one eye. I stumbled backwards and pressed my eye up against the tile floor. It felt better but I didn't want to go through that again. "Ok just one more." I encouraged myself. The second one made me fall to my hands again and scrunch up in a ball. They both felt like they sunk into my eye and became part of it. My hands were drenched from the tears. I raised to my feet and looked in the mirror. I was relieved to look the same as I did a few minutes again. Or was it hours? I stared at myself in the mirror for a while. Focusing hard. Soon enough I felt a burning sensation in my mind. I had to look away to make it stop. Was that me? I thought to myself. I looked again but for a longer time. The pain just got even more intense. My eyes turned from my regular brown to the vivid red. That made me stop. In a matter of seconds the red returned to its unusual brown. I backed away from and walked out of the bathroom. "Powers, huh." I thought to myself. I heard the creaking of the front door.
"Ellie, were home!" She held Jackson in one hand and a bag of all his toys and other things in the other. So much for having the house to myself. I sighed. I couldn't tell my Mom about what I had just gone through. She would go ballistic. And she has enough stress at the moment.
"Hey honey." George came over and kissed my head. I smiled nervously.
"Ellie could you take the garbage out?"My mother asked sticking a pure white back of garbage out in front of her.
Dammit what if the contacts don't work.
I walked over trying to act normal. But it wasn't working. Once I took the bag I looked deep inside her eyes. Her ice blue eyes looked like they could put out the burning inferno inside of me. Her face scrunched up.
Shit! Shit! Shit!
"Whats wrong Ellie just take it." She moved the trash bag around.
"Oh, right.... Sorry." I laughed nervously. It felt like the two-ton weight of worry was released from my shoulders. The air outside was cool and the clouds look like they could drop a hurricane any second. I looked over to a plant.
"Lets just see how 'powerful' I am." I said to myself. Once again I set my mind on a rose. Focusing hard. The rose began to sway. Then it started violently shaking. I kept my sight on it. Soon enough the color changed from maroon red to midnight black. I nodded slightly then made my way back into the house.
Dinner was loud like always. The pasta bubbled, the tv blasted one part of the house, and Jackson went on and on with his baby babble. I walked over with a bowl of salad and dressing. George cooked everything and cut my Mom a break. I think thats one of the reasons why she loves him. Dinner with my family was what I looked forward to everyday.
"Jackson, you cant eat like that honey you will choke!" He didn't seem to care and kept cramming food in his mouth. He didn't talk that much.
"So Ellie, tell me more about what happened today at school." George asked me.

Horror"Marco! Get up Marco! Please!" A girl yelled at him."He looks like hes choking!" "SOMEONE GET HELP! SAVE HIM!" After the last scream the lights went out. Everyone was panicking now. A door slammed behind all of us. "EVERYONE CALM DOWN AND KEEP QU...