Jennifer's Point of View
I sat on my bed thinking and searching through my mind of all the ways I could torture Ellie. I felt totally mind blocked. I taped my pencil on my laptop and looked up at the bare ceiling. I needed something that would make her kill herself so I wouldn't get the blame. I lifted my self up and searched
'the most interesting horror movie deaths'
Nothing really came up, just some stupid old ones that aren't even scary compared to the movies coming out today. I sighed and threw myself back on my bed. I had a lot of homework to do, but screw it I had study hall tomorrow, this was far more important. I would try to ruin her at prom, but that's too cliché... And far more risky then doing something in school during school hours. Then I remembered in English we had to bring in our favorite documentary speech or quote. I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. I bit on the end.
I remembered back to the times when Ellie told us about her diary and even read it to us. She revealed her true feeling of Brandon... But this wouldn't kill her like the voice wanted me to.... Maybe this was the feather to break the Camels back, except this would push her far enough to get her to kill herself. I sighed. Then began devising a plan.
After it was done, it was perfect. It would start going into effect in exactly two hours.
I remembered where she lived. I pulled behind a bunch of leafy trees trying to hide my car. I shut the head lights off and took the keys out of the ignition. Everyday other day at seven, when the church had already closed, Ellie's Mom would take her down to the shrine to pray. Things got around quickly in our town, if one person knew everyone knew. It was now six fifty seven. I checked the driveway to see if they already had left. Still cars there. I waited a little. Time went by so slowly.
"Get in the car Ellie!" Her Mothers voice echoed down the road.
"No, I have a project due tomorrow! I'm not going!" Ellie yelled back.
"Are you saying you don't have time for the lord?!" He mom yelled again. This time it seemed loud enough like she was going to hit her. "You better pray for forgiveness for saying that!" There was a loud sound.
"Ow!" Ellie screamed. I poked my head a little above the dashboard to see what was going on. I looked up to see Miss Satan scooping Ellie of the ground and dumping her in the car. She had a bible in her hand. She closed the door since Ellie got in and did the sign of the cross. She looked behind her to make sure no one was watching her. I shivered a little. Then she got in the car and drove away. Now was my chance. The wind was still blowing from the storm that had happened yesterday. The ground was still damp and the atmosphere was humid. My shoes squished on the damp dirt below. I first checked to see if the front door was open. No luck.
I didn't turn around just in case if someone was watching from across the street. Going down the stairs backwards was a challenge. The wet grass squished beneath my feet as I snuck to the back. The wind that was about to hit me whispered in the trees first as a warning that the cold air was coming. The wooden deck stairs creaked and bent under my feet. The back of the house was completely different then the front, about two thirds of it was a darker color them the leftover section. To me it was awkward.
I peered in through the back sliding doors. There was no lights on and obviously no one in the house. I prayed before I grabbed hold of the gelid door handle. The door had slid right open. I smiled a bit. I closed the door behind me. The house was too dark for me but I was afraid someone would notice that someone was in the house. Al the furniture had been exactly the same as it was the last time I was here. It got me to think about what really must happen behind these walls of this mysterious house. The smell of moth balls lingered in the air. I cringed. I took out my flashlight and began to make my way up the stairs. The moonlight peered in through the window like the angelic part of my conscience telling me this is a bad idea. I got distracted by its beauty and my body hit something short. I looked down to see a little kid staring up at me. My body froze with fear... I thought everyone left.

Horror"Marco! Get up Marco! Please!" A girl yelled at him."He looks like hes choking!" "SOMEONE GET HELP! SAVE HIM!" After the last scream the lights went out. Everyone was panicking now. A door slammed behind all of us. "EVERYONE CALM DOWN AND KEEP QU...