Ellie's Point of View
I shut the door behind me then walked away. I didn't actually kill the nurse, I locked her in the bathroom while all of this was being done. The shadow of her being hung on the ceiling was just a hallucination I put in Jens imagination. One thing I loved about being the devils daughter, or in this case "employee", was the power to take control over peoples mind and get them to see what you wanted them to see. It felt good to finally get a little revenge on Jennifer, but thats not all that I had in plan. The power radiated from my hands, for once I felt in power over her. It felt good. I began to walk down the hallway and gazed at my hands. They tingled as if they fell asleep but they felt more alive then ever. Suddenly I walked into someone I could tell it was a guy by the shoes they were wearing.
"Oh sorry." I said. I didn't bother to look up and see who it was, I needed to get back to class.
"Its fine." I shuttered when I heard his voice. I began to walk a little faster. "Wait!" The voice said again. I had no choice. So I stopped. My head slowly rose to see Brandon standing at one side of the hallway. There was an awkward silence. He looked at me as I looked at him. He hadn't changed, same style of clothing and same style of hair. My inferno died down and I felt like a regular person again. "I know we haven't talked in a while. Three years to be exact." He chuckled a little. "But Ellie, I was wondering if you would want to go to prom with me." He changed his standing position from laid back to something a lot more tense. I froze. What? Is he nuts?
"What about Lauren?"
"She can't go..." He looked at the floor. I wasn't so sure about this. I feel like it would be a trap Lauren is one of Jen's best friends and she helped throw things at me the other day.
"Why..... Me?" I paused.
"Because I think we would have a good time together." He kicked his foot a little on the ground as if there was a rock there and put his hands in his pockets. Something about this moment was sorrowful. My eyes burned and tears formed. I wanted to get someplace were I could be alone. The bell rang. I knew swarms of people were going to come from all the directions. I ran in his direction, before I could pass him he stuck out his hands and caught me by my shoulders. "Is that a yes or no?"
"Just leave me alone!" I squirmed out of his grip and ran away from it all. The tears were now sitting in my eyes blocking my vision. Colorful figures came walking towards me. I didn't stop running, people nudged into me and tried to trip me but I kept going. I could make out the outline of the bright red doors of the gym changing room. Without caring I burst in threw the doors. I violently threw my books on the table next to the door then ran for the bench by the mirrors. I sat down and wiped the tears off my face with the side of my hand. What was wrong with me? Why was I acting like this? I stared into the mirror. Waves radiated from my head. I didn't stop until the glass shattered into nothing but broken pieces that could never be put back together. Using my powers only made things worse, it reminded me that my father was the only reason why me and Brandon split. Wails of emotional pain emitted from my mouth. All that was happening finally began to sink in.
"Im possessed by the devil." My voice was shaky. I looked down at my hands. "I killed those people..." My hands began to violently shake and so did the rest of my body. "Why.... Why!" I looked up at the ceiling. "Why me?!?"
Your the only one strong enough to hold my powers... And theres no one better fit for the job then the Devils Daughter....
"You ruined me.... YOU RUINED ME!! IM A MURDERER! A KILLER! BECAUSE OF YOU! THIS ISNT WHO I WANT TO BE! PLEASE LET ME GO!" I was out of control now. Rivers flowed from my eyes and my skin was hot. My inferno began to pick up heat again.

Horror"Marco! Get up Marco! Please!" A girl yelled at him."He looks like hes choking!" "SOMEONE GET HELP! SAVE HIM!" After the last scream the lights went out. Everyone was panicking now. A door slammed behind all of us. "EVERYONE CALM DOWN AND KEEP QU...