Faults of the Fallen - Sequel to Impossible

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A/N: that's right guys. Sequel time! I had way too much fun writing the last one, and so I knew that a sequel would come along soon. Voila!

So enjoy, and if you haven't read Impossible - A Potterlock Fanfiction, don't read this yet.

Cover by Tjaarox (you can get her to design covers for you at Tjaarox@gmail.com)

Cosplayer (on cover because I felt I had to credit): Jupitereyed



"Mother's returning from her trip in a few days" Mycroft reminded.

"I'm aware" Sherlock replied "I'm not going to be home"

"You haven't seen mother since before term started last year, Sherlock. I'm sure she misses you"

"I don't miss her, and I'd rather spend the holidays at John's" Sherlock informed.

"This would be John Watson, would it not?" Mycroft asked.

"Yes" Sherlock sighed "I don't need to know what secrets he's hiding, because he's my friend and it's unfair that you know these things"

"Don't get too close too him" Mycroft warned.

"You're a few years too late." Sherlock snapped "somehow, I don't think waiting until after we were both almost killed when we were eleven was a good idea"

"Nothing was happening then" Mycroft said mysteriously.

"I don't really care what's happening, can't be as bad as first year, and if he's going to stay after that, I have to stay at whatever this is" Sherlock decided.

"Just be careful, okay?" Mycroft finished "make sure neither of you get hurt"

Mycroft rolled his eyes as Sherlock turned back to his bedroom. He was worried, not just for his brother, but for the friend he'd decided to make along the way.

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