The Choice

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I don't own anything with Tolkien's name on it. That includes his Characters, and stuff. I am merely a beginner writer, and in the mood to write a Lord of the Rings fan fiction. I love Tolkien's work, and will take that love with me to Valinor! :) so, please, do enjoy this fan fiction!


I was reading the last of The Hobbit and sighed in content. This is the best book series ever- well, aside from Lord of the Rings, that is. Its a half day at school today, and its the first day of summer vacation, so I don't have school for a while! I can do as I please, when I please. my parents have taken a leave of absence from their stressful jobs for the next 4 months, to sail around, Scotland, Ireland, and the UK (my parents birth-place, and former homeland). I wasn't going to complain, because- MORE FUN FOR ME! I am able to read as many books as I want without reprimand, as well as telly! I was going to watch Lord of the Rings tonight, then read them tomorrow.

I popped up the stairs to fetch my soft fuzzy blanket, full body pillow, and a pair of my Captain America Jim-jams. I figure I should shower before I go to sleep, so I don't have to in the morning. I take a shower in the washroom, then I trudge down the stairs. With minimal effort, I make it to the lounge in one, slightly asymmetric, piece. I literally dive onto the couch with all the pillows and blankets padding my landing, so I was a-ok when I made impact! I grab the remote and turn the telly on. At that moment I remembered...

...I didn't insert the disc.

I face palmed and sighed. I dragged my fat bum off the couch, and popped the bloody disc in the video player! I do a little cheer, then run to the kitchen to get some snacks; while the advertisements play on. I ripped a package of popcorn and stick it into the microwave. As the corn is popping, I search for some sweets. I could really go for some maltesers right now- oh, and maybe a package of chocolate crisps! I smile big when I find the delectable treats, then skip to beeping microwave, to retrieve my buttery heaven! I flip off on the switches to the lights that remain on, and I go to the couch and snuggle in. just in time to see the movie start itself.

Half way through the movie, I sigh in pure desolation. It's so lonely here by myself. I want a journey like Frodo. I want to help make the world good again! I do not want to be depressed all the time, nor lonely. I chuckle whilst shaking my head, I'm just being pathetically silly now. I could never be like Frodo- or any of the Fellowship of the Ring members! I just need to cut back on the sugar before I acquire nightmares...

I fall asleep to the sound of Aragorn's voice, and smile. I want to be there. To hear his views, to whiteness his bravery, to gawk at his combat skills, to feel his arms around my- no stop! Don't make this another dirty fantasy Lilliana Evangeline Earthrow! My mind wonders to different topics as I drift into dreamland.


I wake up to a loud thud from upstairs. I slowly stand up I confusion, and a little scared. I tiptoe into the kitchen to grab a knife. I was just an inch away when I felt arms wrap around my frame: an arm around my whole body immobilizing my movements, and a hand around my mouth to stop the highest pitch scream that has ever been produced by a human ever.

"Hush now, Nienna. Its alright, I am neither a threat to you, nor your kin." a raspy voice whispers in my ear. I feel my heart quicken, and my breathing labor, I feel the man tense his hold when I try and leap out of his arms. "If you co-operate with me, I will let you go, Nienna. Sound good?" I nod slowly, and feel the strange mans grip release. I dart forwards to grasp a knife, then whip around pointing it at the intruder. I almost drop the weapon in shock when I see who stands before me.

It is two children of Eru Ilúvatar. Yavanna, spouse of Aulé. And Lórien, spouse of Esté. I step back in disbelief. Nope, can't be real. This is a dream. "That is right, young sister, this is a dream- or a vision, you could say." She smiles big, and holds out her beautiful, fair skinned, arms to me. "Come give your big sister a hug, Nienna. It has been so long." I tilt my head confused. What is she going on about? I have no siblings. "You must be mistaken: I am neither Nienna, nor your sister. And my name is Lilliana Evangeline Earthrow, not Nienna!." I state with a bold look in my eyes; I will not lose my sanity due to some silly night terror! I refuse.

Yavanna slowly descends her arms to her sides, a small frown on her flawless face. Why must she look so sad? I makes me feel truly saddened- but I will not let that show. I mustn't let them see my weaknesses. "What? But I thought you would have remembered whom you were by now, Nienna. What has happened Lórien? Why has she not awakened yet?" Yavanna asked panicky, latching on to Lórien's arm.

"I don't know, Lady Yavanna. The spell must have been stronger then we first thought. We have but little time here, my strength fades by the minute, lets set a compromise." he puts a reassuring hand over Yavanna's hand, then they both look at me. Yavanna has tears in her radiant eyes, and Lórien has a small smile on his seemingly ageless face. "How about you choose your fate? Yavanna and I will lie in wait, within the depths of the forest north of your home. You can choose to stay to live your life here, or, you can come back to Arda. I, personally, think you should return with us to Arda, for you are greatly needed in the battle of the Ring." Lórien explains. Yavanna let's go of Lórien to gracefully glide towards me. she tucks a loose tuft of my moon light white hair behind my slightly pointed ear, and kisses my fair skinned forehead. she looked deep into my Arctic blue eyes, and smiled. "You will choose the right thing, I know you will. You know to much of grief to let another suffer it. Your wisdom, compassion, and empathy will guide the Fellowship in the right direction, you will see, Nienna." she spoke softly, with compassion in her radiant green eyes.

"Good bye dear little sister..." she whispered softly.

"I bid you ado, Lady Nienna. Good night, sweet dreams..." Lórien followed along with Yavanna.

Then, like that, they were gone. not a trace of them to be found. I suddenly black out and stay like that until I wake.

Out of Reality, and Into a Book (LotR Aragorn x OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now