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Sam knew something was wrong. The look in Gabriel's face said it all as the flame in the sigil bowl grew to heights tall enough to reach the ceiling above, the screeches of monsters in the distance as a harsh wind blew around the room, knocking everything over in its path. The screeching grew louder, and Sam clasped his hands over his ears as the sound grew unbearable.

Soft but powerful warmth encircled him, and when he opened his eyes, he saw wings. There were six in total, a warm honey color with pure white stripes along the longer feathers and each one shivering with the effort of keeping Sam safe as they drew him closer and closer to Gabriel, who's eyes were glowing with his strength as his grace flooded out, pushing back at the chaos echoing around them and halting the screeches mid-tone, the room destroyed from the wind and an eerie silence being left behind in the ritual's wake.

"W-what the hell was that?!" Sam asked, his eyes wide as he looked around the room in complete shock. He turned his gaze back to Gabriel, but found the angel looking at the sigil with a clenched jaw, his hands forming fists before he kicked the bowl, knocking it away from the symbol drawn on the ground and letting out a soft growl.

"The summoning didn't work," Gabriel hissed, folding his arms across his chest as his wings slowly pulled themselves from Sam, folding behind his back before a slight wisp of wind furled around them and they disappeared with a soft, final sparkle of light, "I'm sorry, Sam, but I can't find Hael."

Sam felt his heart crushing at the words, and he looked down at the ground by his feet, studying the disturbed trash that littered the abandoned room before letting out a soft sigh, giving Gabriel a small nod, "It's okay, Gabe. You tried your best," Sam mumbled, glancing out the lone window to see gray clouds beginning to form in the sky, slowly overtaking the white and casting the sun's glow away from them, leaving them in a shadow.

Warm arms wrapped around his waist and he felt Gabriel's lips on his shoulder blade, easing him despite the awkward feeling that came with it, "We'll think of something, alright? Dean will be fine," Gabriel urged, his voice reassuring as Sam gave another nod, and they parted to erase the evidence of their failed attempt to save Sam's brother.


Sam was grateful for the warmth that Gabriel provided as he curled closer in his little corner of the wall, his head in hands as fresh, hot tears made tracks down his face, sobs rocking through his chest and leaving it difficult to breathe as he began to hiccup. Those wings wrapped closer around him, keeping his shaking at bay as he struggled to take in a single breath.

"Sam, it's a panic attack. You need to breathe," He could hear Gabriel's firm and kind voice say, the hand on his cheek guiding his lips to part and for cold air to drag itself painfully through his needy lungs, making him choke and cough on it before he started gasping, the original hold of panic on his body releasing him as he hacked, his chest heaving as Gabriel kept him from falling to the ground.

He couldn't even remember how he got to this place to begin with. The last thing he remembered was being in his dorm bed, then his roommate was coming back with Gabriel in tow, fear in the angel's eyes. He couldn't even tell if  his roommate was still in the room or not. 

All he knew was that he felt like he was dying.

"Sam, Dean's okay. He's not dying. He's perfectly okay," Gabriel reassured, a world of patience in his voice as Sam whimpered into his chest, those wings providing an even tighter cocoon from the outside world.

Was Dean okay? He couldn't seem to be able to remember. He could see the monitor beside Dean's bed letting out a single, unwavering beep, and he remembered Castiel throwing up what looked like his grace, and then....a bright light. What happened after that? Was there even anything after it?

"D-Dean..." Sam whimpered out, and Gabriel nodded, picking the boy up easily in his arms, despite his enormous size, and setting him gently on his feet, letting one of Sam's arm rest along his shoulders as a brace before leading him from the room. It was a rather quiet walk, with only the soft sobs of Sam punctuating the barrier of solitude that often came from exhausted college students late at night. He could have sworn he saw his roommate dart down another hallway when he saw them coming, but he couldn't trust what his eyes thought he saw anymore.

The door to Dean's room opened, and he couldn't recall when they had even got there. Still, when he saw the bleary eyes of Dean, a yawn leaving his brother as he gave off a sleepy 'what,' only to become more alert and urgent when he saw Sam. The younger Winchester just let out another sob, the tears falling like waterfalls as he wrapped his arms around Dean, his shoulders shaking.


"Are your nightmares getting any better?" Gabriel asked, looking down at Sam's head resting on his lap, the rest of the gentle giant's body stretched out across the grass, the heels of his feet resting on the bottom of the oak's trunk. Sam looked at the leaves above their head thoughtfully before nodding his head, though it was clear by the dark circles under his eyes that they were in fact not getting better.

Gabriel sighed at Sam's attempt to lie to him, letting his hand move over to Sam's forehead, pushing back some hair and letting his fingers comb through the long strands gently. "Do you want me to start staying the night and keep them away?" Gabriel asked, his voice gentle.

"I'll be fine, Gabe. I ca-" Sam said, only to break off as a yawn punched past his lips. Still, the young hunter must have been born with super hearing, as he broke off his yawn a second later, his brows furrowing together as he sat up on his elbows, "Did you hear that?"

Gabriel listened, and his spine tingled as he heard the familiar distant screech of a creature, the pain and anguish in each note as the screeching got more and more high-pitched until it cut off suddenly, making him grimace before looking down at Sam. He found the hunter staring expectantly back.

"It's nothing to worry about, Sam," Gabriel hushed softly, and he gently let his lips brush Sam's forehead, watching as his grace ghosted across the man's skin before Sam's eyes began closing, allowing him to doze off in a peaceful, protected slumber. All the while, Gabriel turned his gaze back to the sound of the screech, catching the sight of a flicker of cream scales before the creature flurried away.

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