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"Sam, I wish you would at least let me come with you," Dean pleaded, his voice full of worry as Sam stalked back and forth between the kitchen counter and the dining room table, grumbling to himself as he stuffed the clothes he had snuck out of his dorm into the dufflebag that rested on the table.

"I know you wouldn't want to leave Castiel when he is as sick as he is," Sam responded, pulling the zipper of the dufflebag and closing it, stopping and staring at the black material for a moment before he turned to Dean, giving him a slightly tipped head of regret, "I'll go to Bobby first, okay?"

He could tell Dean didn't like the idea of letting him go on his own whether he went to Bobby for help or not, but he finally conceded, nodding his head and giving Sam a pat on the shoulder, meeting his gaze with dark eyes.

"Be careful, okay? And don't do anything stupid," Dean offered, and Sam gave him a small smile before he turned away, walking out of the room with a clenched jaw and a look of determination.


The drive to Sioux Falls, South Dakota was quiet, with only the occasional stops for gas along the way. He didn't even bother listening to music, but rather, just let his mind wander as he took the roads he knew by heart, going up the deserted road to the blue house sitting among the junk yard.

Bobby was at the front door waiting for him before he even got out of the vehicle. He grabbed his things and trudged his way up the front step, being enveloped in a crushing hug by the older man as soon as he was within reach.

"How are you holding up, son?" Bobby asked, his voice caring in his normal gruff way. Sam squeezed him tightly before letting go, taking in a shaky breath and giving him a desperate look.

"How would you feel if God himself told you it was a lost cause?" Sam asked, feeling exhausted as Bobby led him into the house, farther inside to the spare room that he had made up for Sam's arrival.

"Worse than you, that's for sure," Bobby pointed out, his brow furrowed in concern as Sam set his dufflebag on the ground, almost defeatedly, "But, you never've been one to follow destiny's path anyways. I believe you'll pull through, for Gabriel's sake."

Sam gave him a heartless smile, a mirthless laugh escape his lips, "You have more faith than I do," Sam replied, sitting on the bed and letting out another sigh, staring at the ground.

"Sam?" Bobby said, and Sam turned his gaze up to the older man, only for his face to snap to the side as he was delivered with a strong slap. He stared in shock in the distance before turning his head, looking at the older man with wide eyes.

"What the hell was that for?!" Sam snapped, shooting a glare Bobby's way, only to stop when he saw the look on the older man's face.

"I don't want to hear that come from you ever again. You got it? You're a Winchester, dammit. So start acting like one," Bobby snarled back in response, and Sam grew very quiet, looking down at his lap before sighing and nodding.

"Good, now, let's get searching for whatever got your angel," Bobby said, turning to leave the room, only to stop when Sam said his name.

"Thank you," Sam said, his eyes showing his appreciation for Bobby snapping him out of the depressed stupor he had been in. Bobby only gave a gruff nod before they made their way into the study, sitting down and getting to work.

They started with a standard sweep around Palo Alto for anything abnormal that happened around the city for the pass few weeks, starting after the ritual for the summoning of Hael. They find nothing more than a demonic possession within fifty miles of the city and what looked like a werewolf attack farther up the California coast. 

To say Sam was frustrated was an understatement as he pushed his laptop away from him with a scowl, staring at the empty searching with daggers in his eyes. Bobby only looked up from his own research in trying to find out what creature it could possibly be, his lips pressed into a thin line as he gave the younger Winchester a sad sigh.

"Maybe you should go to bed for the night, Sam," Bobby suggested softly, but Sam wasn't having any of it as he shook his head stubbornly, looking back at the laptop and searching again only to come up with the same results.

"I need to find Gabriel. I'm the only one he has now," Sam replied, the same desperation he had felt at God's place washing over him and making him rest his head in his hands, forcing himself not to let out a frustrated scream.

Bobby stood, shutting the laptop and gaining back Sam's attention, "You will find him, Sam, but if you drop dead from exhaustion, you're not going to be a help with anything. Let me stay up a bit longer and look while you try to rest from your long drive. If I find anything, I'll wake you up," Bobby offered, and when Sam looked at him, he found himself unable to argue with the warm eyes of the only man that had cared for him. With a stilted nod, he stood, running his hands through his hair and clearing his throat before letting his legs take him to the spare bedroom.

Behind him, he heard Bobby shuffling through more papers before the sound became muted with the door closing behind him. He collapsed onto the worn bed, letting out a sigh as he stared off into the darkness before his eyes finally sought out the picture of him and Dean when they were kids, eating ice cream at the table. Slowly, he let his eyes close, and he was even able to ignore the scratch of his jeans as he fell into a fitful sleep.

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