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I got bored so I drew the monster XD I didn't color the more vicious form because I got a bit lazy, but oh well XD


It only took moments before Sam's eyes snapped open, his vision spinning as the blood rushed to his head as the weight of gravity dragged him towards the roof of the car. He let out a groan, his hands shakily pulling up to his side, fumbling with the button on the seat belt in an attempt to get it undone, only to realize as his body crashed to the roof of the car that that was a terrible idea.

The sudden rightness of the world left him breathless as he pressed his hand to his forehead, feeling blood leak out between his fingers and into his right eye. He drug himself towards the passenger side of the car, where almost the entire side had been torn away, leaving nothing but the setting sun heading for the horizon.

His body shook with every effort as he drug himself from the harsh metal to the soft grass of the ground, the silky feel brushing his torn arms as his blood stained the blades, leaving them sparkling with the sun. He had to stop moving, coughing as he let his body collapse, trying to let his body catch up to whirring in his mind that was leaving him feeling nauseated.

There was a hissing sound behind him, moist and sticky breath brushing across the back of his neck. Fear seized, adrenaline shooting through his body and making him jerk away, rolling over and getting a clear view of the monster for the first time.

The creature was humanoid in figure, long claws on its hands and legs, with a wide set of nostrils across its strong jaw. Its eyes were a gold color, three pupils in each iris with plates of armor shading over them and stretching up to its forehead. It had a sort of bony protrusion that wrapped around its head, forming what Sam concluded looked like a crown. Strangest of all was its mouth, which was only flesh punctuated by holes.

Sam tried to rise, but the monster hissed again, its eyes narrowing as it drew closer, arm stretching out to touch him. Sam fumbled back again, his hand finding the gun that he kept with him at all times, pointing it and letting out two rounds into the monster's face. It let out a hissing cry of pain, grabbing at its face and stumbling back before stopping, its body trembling as it slowly lowered its hands.

All at once, its eyes filled with black and its mouth tore itself open, revealing row upon row of teeth as it screeched that blood-curdling scream that he had heard once before. Sam clasped his hands over his ears, writhing in pain as he could only watch as the creature's 'crown' broke into two pieces, the bone cracking as it twisted and pointed out from his mouth.

Blood stained its teeth, and Sam found himself scrambling back to get away as it screeched again, rushing at him with its mouth wide open, ready to flay his body into nothing but blood and mush. He squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the inevitable, only to feel the screeching breath of the creature, but nothing else.

His eyes peeked open, and Lucifer was there, his wings arched out in a shield for Sam and his hand pinning the creatures mouth only half an arm's lenth away from his face. The fallen angel began to glow, red traveling through his fingertips before shooting into the creature, the monster letting out a screech as its eyes burned from its skull, its skin eroding under the touch until the plates of armor were exposed and it fell to the ground lifeless.

Sam didn't get a chance to say anything before he felt his vision tunneling, and Lucifer grabbed him, picking him up and beginning to walk.


The hotel room was hot and stuffy, but it was the closest thing they could find at such a short notice. Sam held his head in his hands, letting out a groan at the pain, only lifting his head up when the door opened, and Lucifer slipped in.

"I removed any evidence of the creature. It wasn't the one that got a hold of Gabriel though," Lucifer said, sitting on the other side of the bed and watching Sam with unwavering eyes, "You know, maybe you should just give up. The monster's are clearly too strong for you, and I won't always be there to keep you safe from them," Lucifer stated, his voice clearly showing how much he enjoyed Sam's pain.

"I have to save him," Sam spat in return, the dried blood caking his fingers and eyebrow making him wince at the slight tug it caused, "I have to."

Lucifer's smile only widened and he stood, heading back for the door, "You can't," Lucifer replied before he walked out, and Sam was left to his own pain.

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