The Deal

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Sam let out a sigh as he collapsed onto the hotel bed of the Cabana Inn, the blankets rubbing his clothes into his skin, though he really felt too tired to do anything about it. He did manage to toe off his shoes and took to flipping over, staring at the ceiling as heavy eyes threatened to close on him. The drive up had taken most of the day, and he was not looking forwards to heading back the following morning.

He let out a yawn and closed his eyes. He needed to shower, but he couldn't force his crying body to get up. Instead, he curled closer into a ball, shifting the covers out from under him and bundling under the thick comforter.

His body fell into a light doze, letting the worries of the day play out in his head as his tired mind slowly connected the entire storyline, trying to find a clue that would help him. He could see himself in a room, connecting the words together, the pungent smell of rotten eggs making his nose wrinkle as he looked over the reports of the victims.

Sam's eyes jerked open in realization, his body tensing as he realized that the rotten egg smell was actually in the room with him. Slowly, he reached up and under the pillow, his hand finding the harsh cold of his gun before he jerked up, aiming directly at the smirking blonde woman as she lounged on one of the seats in the room, studying her hands with bored interest.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Sam hissed, his gun never wavering. He cursed himself for not preparing for a demon attack, his mind being so preoccupied with his own woes that it never even crossed his mind. Yet, the woman merely looked at him with amusement and made no move to attack as she dropped her hand onto her lap, focusing completely on him.

"I'm here to offer you a...proposition," The demon said, leaning forwards as her lips spread into a grin that Sam couldn't stand. The demon didn't even care as she rested her elbows on her knees.

"I don't want to make a deal with a damn de-"

"Then I guess you'll have to say goodbye to your angel then," She interjected harshly, the glee in her eyes at Sam's pain palpable as his mouth instantly shut into a gritting scowl, "I didn't come here because I wanted to, but my leader wanted to make a deal."

"What kind of deal?" Sam asked, his eyes narrowed in distrust as he watched the demon carefully. He hadn't lowered his gun, but now, he let it fall just the smallest bit. Would he be willing to make a deal with a demon to save Gabriel?

"You want the creature found, but you never even thought of how you would face it," The demon said, her tongue flashing out to dart across her lips as she flipped sideways, throwing her legs over one arm of the chair and reclining her back against the other, "My leader is one of the only beings able to fight it, and if you're nice, maybe he'd even track it for you."

Sam furrowed his brow, his lips twitching into an ever deepening frown, "What does he want in return?" He asked, his spine tingling in a warning to get out of there. This wasn't good, and every instinct he had was telling him so, yet he stayed as the demon jumped up, clapping her hands together before looking around the room with a grin.

"He just wants you to perform one little ritual to bring him up here. That's all," She replied as she swiped her hand, the chair she was sitting on moving out of the way. With another sweep of her hand, the bed was pushed against the wall, the night stand moved to a corner of the room, allowing for a rather large space of just floor, "And this room will be big enough for it."

As the demon began drawing a symbol on the ground with the blood from a vial, Sam felt frozen to the ground, the thought of Dean and Bobby screaming at him not to do it fresh in his mind, "Who is your leader exactly?" He asked, his wariness prominent.

The demon glanced up before shrugging and continuing what she was doing, creating a ritual shape that Sam had never seen before. One large circle contained it all, the rim of it covered in lines. Four circles wrapped around each other, a triangle in each one with tribal marking and dots splashing across the hardwood of the floor. As she stood, she grabbed at Sam's hand, slicing it open before he even had a chance to react.

"I'm going to help you draw the symbol, you just say the words over and over again," She said, watching as his blood began pooling in his palm before holding out a tiny bowl, letting it drain into it before she sealed his wound, "Repeat this while I'm drawing the symbol. Sonitus diabolus in forma corporis continetur. Got it?"

Sam's eyes widened at the words, but he didn't make a comment as e nodded. He may not recognize all the words, but one stood out to him and made it clear what he was doing. Nevertheless, they crouched in front of the sigil, the demon grabbing his hand and dipping it into his still warm blood. 

"Sonitus diabolus in forma corporis continetur,"  Sam began, watching as the demon began with a hook shape, going up to make a large half circle before ending it with a sharp edge before pulling his hand back and adding another sharp edge to the other side. From there, Sam continued to repeat the words as she added a large dot in the middle of the man symbol, following with wisp-like symbols down the bottom. A person looking thing was added to the left with more wisps and another dot while wisps and dots were added to the top. When she finished, and Sam repeated the words one more time, the outer circle glowed green while the inner circles and their triangles glowed orange with the tribal markings turning a bright yellow. The main symbol made of Sam's blood glowed light blue, blinding him as it shot through the air and faded away, leaving only a blond man with an impeccible grin on his face.

Sam only met his gaze with a glare of his own, his eyes noting the symbol that was burned into the man's throat. Still, the demon rose, bowing politely before grinning as the man unfurled his wings, each one burned and missing all but a few feathers.

"So glad to see you again, Lucifer," The demon cried before looking at Sam, a maniacal laugh escaping her lips before she disappeared with a puff of smoke, leaving Sam staring at the devil with a look of distrust.

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