This is an Important PSA(Please Read)

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Please, I ask you to spread this out, because it is important.

As of now, I will no longer be using trigger warnings for my stories. To be honest, the only reason I used them before is because people were getting on my case about it. I will put one for sexual abuse, but honestly, I don't write about that much, so it won't be appearing often.

Now before some of you get pissed at me, there is a reason why I am doing this. I hate trigger warnings. I think they do more harm than good, and it turns out, recent studies show I am right. It is not the event or the word that causes memories and flashbacks to that time(such as if I wrote abuse). It's not a psychological part of our human anatomy. Flashbacks, if you have trauma so bad that it would be called that, would be certain and very specific things. For example, if you got into a car wreck from someone suddenly pulling out in front of you, the word car wreck would not cause the flashbacks of the time, but if I were to say instead that, the car jerked quickly in front of you, that would spark them instead. Actually, it is proven that trigger warnings to more harm than good, causing isolationism and shielding you from the things that your brain needs to be introduced to in order to heal.

Psychologists all over the nation have agreed to this statement, so if you don't believe me, maybe you'll believe in science. I know a few of you will probably unfollow and basically boycott my stories, but that's alright with me. This is my own conscious decision to not have my art squandered by the shit trigger warnings that don't even work.

Still, I will put up signs that smut will be appearing, mainly because I know some people don't like reading it. Hell, I'm thinking about stop writing smut altogether, because I honestly hate it. If you want more information, I'll put links for all the findings I have for you, and if you don't believe me, get off of Tumblr and do actual research for yourself.

And again, believe what you will. Read or don't read. I love to have fun with all of you, but I absolutely refuse to limit myself and my stories for something that doesn't even work. I am against it, and that is my own opinion. I do not conform to anyone else's ideas, and neither should you just because it's part of a big group(like Tumblr(which if you couldn't tell, I absolutely hate)). Find your own voice, and stand proud that you have one because most people bend to the wave of society.

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