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Sam could feel the strange coolness that emanated through the air before he even stepped off the plane, a shiver crawling up his spine as he and Lucifer walked through the Gjoa Haven airport. Even the other people seemed to be aware, as complaints came to the workers behind the desks, and people threw their jackets over their shoulders. Still, it only grew colder when they stepped outside, dark gray clouds swirling in the sky.

"The creature is doing something," Lucifer mumbled, his brows creased in thought and a look of curious concern that did nothing to ease the tenseness in Sam as he looked over, pulling his arms closer to him as his breath misted in the air.

"You mean this is because of the Maneluctus?" Sam asked, receiving a nod from Lucifer in return before the fallen angel grabbed his arm, dragging him quickly from the airport and towards the actual town.

"I can see the symbols, Sam. I know what it's doing," Lucifer huffed out in a hurry, not bothering to even look back at the hunter as he dragged him down a street and towards the horizon of the ocean beyond the land. 

"What are you talking about?" Sam managed to get out, almost tripping over his own feet, and nearly colliding with another person. He barely had a chance to spit out an apology before Lucifer dragged him even faster, close to running.

"It's Gaia's Genesis. It's going to trade Gabriel's being for a dead soul," Lucifer spoke quickly, only stopping when they came upon the craggy cliff that dropped away to the ocean below, "There's a cave that leads to their civilisation just underneath."

"How do we get to it?" Sam asked, his eyes wide as he looked down at the water with a feeling of apprehension. There wasn't a ledge that could lead to it, nor a path, and the cliffs were slick with the spray of the ocean, leaving it too slippery to climb.

He felt an arm encircle his waist, and he barely had a chance to look over before he was met with Lucifer's determined stare, "Hold on," He said before pulling him, and Sam over the edge.

The first feeling going through Sam's mind was panic, grasping on tight to Lucifer and clutching until his muscles seem to lock in place. The first thought he had was the fact that the fallen angel basically had clipped wings, meaning there was no way that Lucifer was going to just fly to the cave.

He didn't even have time to scream before Lucifer's wings to tear from the shirt he wore, and although it did not stop them, it slowed down their descent just enough where the fallen angel could sweep his wings to the side, turning them and letting them crash into a hole in the cliff, the craggy ledge snapping at the tips and making the Devil hiss with pain as a few feathers were sliced clean off. They tumbled to the ground, Sam hitting his back against the wall, and he just laid for a minute, letting his body catch up with his heart before he looked over at Lucifer, seeing the man was cradling his bleeding wing in his hands, biting back gritted teeth.

"A-are you okay? Sam asked, his body feeling heavy and shaky as he slowly stood. Lucifer shot him a glare, his eyes a bright red as he snarled, blood dripping onto his hands and catching that supernatural glow.

"When we save your boyfriend, I'm going to kill him," Lucifer hissed, sweeping his wing back and standing, not even bothering to wipe his blood from his hands before he grabbed Sam again, dragging him further into the cave, "Stay close. I can sense five of these creatures and I don't want to have to babysit you the entire time."

They walked in silence, remaining quiet so the creatures did not become aware that they were near. But, after a moment, Sam glanced at Lucifer, his brows furrowing, "If you had killed most of the civilisation, why are there so many creatures in this one place?"

Lucifer paused for a moment, letting out a scowl, "I didn't clear this civilisation. That was supposed to be one of my followers job. Obviously they didn't do it right," Lucifer hissed under his breath, still remaining quiet as they came upon intersecting paths, glancing back and forth before taking the left one.

"I can sense Gabriel," Lucifer whispered, and Sam grew tense, following behind him as they slunk through the shadows of the cave, only the slight glow of Lucifer's hands guiding them. The tunnel opened into a wider area, and soon, Sam was left in awe when they cleared the arch, reaching the glowing cavern.

The whole area was lit up with a sky blue, reflecting the light on every surface with dazzling crystals and gems in the walls. But, Sam didn't have time reflect on the beauty when he saw the source of the light, a sigil marked on the ground, covered in what looked like plants and blood.

His heart stopped when he saw what was in the middle of the sigil though. Gabriel laid out among one of the lines that intersected the inner circle, blood pooling at his lips and his skin glowing pale as he stared hopelessly at the body beside him, the mummified form of a Maneluctus sprawled out beside him as another Maneluctus stood at the edge of the sigil its hands glowing with that same light.

Strange words broke out over the entire cave in a chant, a language that Sam didn't even attempt to understand, coming out almost screechy interlaced with a series of growls. He didn't give himself time to think as he raced towards the creature, tackling it to the ground. In an instant, the light gave out as the words stopped, and Sam grabbed the creature around the neck.

"Lucifer! Kill it!" Sam shouted, his breaths coming in heavy as he stared into the hate-filled eyes of the creature. It wasn't until he heard the soft voice of Gabriel that his blood ran cold and his body froze.

"Sam, let it go."

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