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I do not know why but I can only listen to Hello by Adele when I write this XD


The call with Bobby didn't go well as he told them that he was going to Canada instead of coming back. When he was pressed for answers, he was reluctant to say anything more than it was a 'lead' that he had stumbled across. He knew that he must have sounded off, because only two minutes after he got off the phone with Bobby, he had gotten a call from Dean, which ended in a good five-minute argument before he managed to convince him that everything was okay.

It wasn't ten seconds after he finally managed to hang up that Lucifer walked into the hotel room, a shimmering flurry behind him as his wings began to reveal themselves as he fell into the privacy of the hotel room. The fallen angel turned his gaze to Sam, his green eyes unnerving Sam.

"I assume it is time to go?" Lucifer asked, crossing his arms solemnly as Sam gave a small nod, picking up his bag of clothes and assorted weapons before leaving the room, Lucifer following suit. He stuffed the bag into the trunk of his car, glancing back and watching the Devil with careful eyes.

"How does your tracking thing work?" Sam asked as he slid into the driver's seat, his eyes kept carefully on Lucifer just to be sure. Still, the fallen angel simply reclined in his seat, his body language giving off a relaxed, eased aura.

"I can only know where it is at if it is near, but I know where it is heading. It is much a like a human, always running home the first chance it gets," Lucifer answered, staring out the window as Sam slowly turned the car on, pulling out of the parking lot and onto the road, heading north like Lucifer had suggested.

"Why do you want to save my brother so bad?" Lucifer asked after a moment of silence brushed past. Sam frowned, his hands tightening on the wheel ever so slightly.

"I don't believe that's any of your business," Sam answered, though it only seemed to amuse Lucifer as the man let out a soft snort.

"You summoned me, so I believe it is my business," Lucifer replied dryly, his wings twitching against his back as they pressed further into the chair, "This can be easy or as difficult as you want it, Sam."

"Knowing why does not change anything," Sam replied, a slight scowl tugging at his lips. Yet, Lucifer only sighed, shaking his head.

"So you're soul mates. It's not all that shocking," Lucifer answered, meeting Sam's shocked gaze with an arched eyebrow, "What? I can read your mind just as well as any other angel. You're dense if you think I can't."

Sam turned away at that, letting out a soft grumble as he focused soley on the road, ignoring the looming presence of the Devil beside him. Lucier didn't seem to mind though, as his eyes were closed, his breathing careful and focused.

"You know, I figured Castiel would be with you, flying around and searching for Gabriel. They were always so close," Lucifer commented, not even bothering to open his eyes. Sam sighed, turning up the road that would lead to Canada. It would still be a while, as they had to go through Montana first.

"He's sick," Sam answered, watching the dwindling traffic as they turned at different exits until there were only a few cars left, "He had to stay with my brother."

"Sick?" Lucifer asked, his eyes shooting open and looking over at Sam with a worried expression crossing his face, "What do you mean sick?"

Sam paused, struck by the sudden change in the man, "He's...human..." Sam said slowly, his brows furrowing together as he watched Lucifer.

"Human?!" Lucifer spat, his eyes lighting with an angry fire as his hands glowed red, a sizzling sound reaching Sam's ears as his fingers clutched the pants that Lucifer wore, "Who took his grace?! I'll rip them apart!"

"Castiel destroyed his own grace," Sam replied softly, and all at once, the anger from Lucifer's face flooded away, leaving nothing but an expression that Sam couldn't even begin to describe.

"W-why?" Lucifer asked, and the pain that reached his voice floored Sam. The man swallowed, taking a deep breath before he began.

"He saved my brother. Hael had injected with my brother with her own grace and was destroying his mind, beyond what any other could repair and it....exploded from him, and then Dean was alive," Sam explained, his body letting out a slight tremble at the memories of it all.

Lucifer was silent for several moments before he spoke again, his voice calculated and almost hesitant at the same time, "What are you hiding?" Lucifer asked, and Sam flinched, his knuckles turning white as he clenched the wheel tighter and tighter.

"I have nothing to hide," Sam answered, and he took in a deep breath, trying to calm himself, "Why are you so set on Castiel anyways?"

"He was not like the other angels," Lucifer stated, seemingly unbothered by the prying that Sam tried to do, "He understood what it was like to be different from the others, to actually have his own ideas and emotions. He...Before I fell, he was like a son to me. I loved him more than any of the other angels could ever muster up combined, and when I fell, it was only by my words that he didn't come with me."

There was a moment's pause before Lucifer spoke again, his words becoming more and more curious, "What I want to know is why you have so much gratitude in your mind, but I can't see why," He commented, narrowing his eyes.

"He saved my brother," Sam answered, but Lucifer growled in response.

"I can see that. I want to know why you have an angel block in your mind," Lucifer snapped, poking Sam right in the side of the head, "What the hell is behind that door?!"

"There's nothing!" Sam snapped back, but Lucifer froze, a devilish smile breaking out across his face as his eyes lit up excitedly.

"It's here, and it's brought friends," Lucifer said, and Sam barely had time to turn his head to look around before something rammed into the car, sending it flying off the road and sumersaulting down the hill.

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