Chapter 17

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Lucy's P.O.V

We are currently on the plane. I woke up not too long ago for some reason that I can't understand. Guess I just didn't feel tired...

Natsu is asleep with his head on my shoulder. I got tired of looking at magazines and decided to catch up on my favorite TV show.

The part on SAO where that girl Klein had saved from the cage, had turned into Thor and he freaked out. I'm trying not to laugh too hard or else Natsu will wake up.


Eventually, the flight ended and we were headed off to baggage claim. We waited till we saw a red suit case and a pink suit case and then went to rent a car.

Third point of view 

"Luce I wanna get a sports car!" The pinkette said as he pulled his wife to a car parked in the renting lot.

"Natsu, do you see how much these things rent for?" Lucy said as she pointed to the price on the sign in front of the car." The black car  was pretty expensive. 

"Why don't we just get a normal car and head to the condo we rented? Ok?" Lucy said as she pulled Natsu up to the front desk to rent a car. 

   Soon enough the newlyweds piled their things into the car and headed to the condo they rented out. 

"Natsu what do you want to do today?" asked Lucy see in as they hadn't put much thought into what they were going to do in Hawaii.

"I don't know. Maybe we can go to the beach?" "Ok. It is a nice day today." 

Natsu soon pulled into the resort and the valet parked the car while busboys came and carried their bags to the room they would be staying in. As they entered the resort, the greeters said "Welina" and hung a Lei around their necks and were guided to their rooms. 

(I just looked on google translate on how they say welcome in Hawaiian. so.......yeah)

(Lucy's P.O.V)   

Natsu and I made our way up to the honeymoon suite on the 5th floor. We changed into our swimsuits and made our way down to the beach. We set down our bags under an umbrella and made our way into the water. The water was cold so i stopped where it reached my knees not wanting to go any further. Natsu, however, ran straight into the water, jumping over waves. 

I'm just standing here laughing at him when he calls out. 

"Hey Luce! Come on!" He stands up from out of the water and I start laughing my ass off! His hair is drenched with water but there is a hermit crab hanging from the two front tuffs of his hair. I'm laughing so hard that I fall backwards. 

He doesn't seem to know that a crustacean is hanging from his hair so I pick myself up and wade towards him, occasionally flinching from how cold the water is. Once i reach him, I grab the small animal and gently pry its pincers from Natsu's hair. All the while im doing this he looking at me, confused. 

Once I've finished getting the hermit crab from his hair, I hold it in the palm of my hand for him to see. He looks down and sees the animal and chuckles.

"So that's why you where laughing!" 

"Mhmm!" I set the crab gently in the clear water and watch is swim off.  


Natsu and I played around for the rest of the day. Us digging in the sand when I see something dark blue moving from out of the sand. I get up and knock the sand off of my butt and walk over to it. It is moving when all of a sudden, a tiny little head pokes out. 

I then realize it was tiny baby sea turtles hatching from their eggs. 

"Natsu! Get over here!" It was the perfect time for them to be hatching because the moon was just rising. Natsu came running over and crouched down beside me. I pointed down to the small little whole and started digging. 

Once we had gently placed all of the eggs on top of the sand we waited for them to hatch completely. After a while, once they've all hatched, we picked them up and walked to the edge of the ocean. We placed them down and watched them crawl into the sea. Three of them had turned to wrong way mistaking the lights of hotels and homes behind them as the moon, so I had to carry them into the water. 

After they were all in Natsu and I went back to the suite to sleep.

Nalu Family (DISCONTINUED) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now