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Natsu and Lucy have been friends since forever. Ever since they were in diapers they've been the best of friends. From playing tag in the front yard of one of their homes to teasing each other in junior high.
It wasn't until the 10th grade that Natsu had started to accumulate feelings for the blonde haired beauty. He started noticing all the little things she did. Like when she was embarrassed she would play with her earlobe. Or whenever she was in deep thought she would chew her bottom lip, which Natsu found absolutely adorable. He also notice how she started growing. She has always gone unnoticed in school by the guys. The "fast" girls used to make fun of her by calling her 'cereal box'.
But as soon as people noticed her new figure, he felt like he had to shoo those people off and protect her. More and more guys were showing interest in her and he didn't like that at all. He decided to confess and make her his before anyone else.
That's Saturday, he asked if she wanted to hang out.
"Hey Luce, I have to tell you something." Natsu said looking down.
"What is it Natsu?" Lucy said looking at him, suspicious of his sudden mood change.
"I-I don't want to be friends anymore." He said in a hushed voice but was barely loud enough for Lucy to hear.
"W-What?" She said her voice cracking. She was on the verger of tears.
Natsu just realized what he said.
"Wa-" "You're just gonna be my best friend for 16 years and just leave me?!" She yelled.
"How are just gonna leave me alone?! Natsu your the best thing that's ever happened to me!" She yelled tears streaming down her face. Natsu looked at her with a face of pure shock. "I want to be more than friends." He finally said. Lucy has confusion written all over her face. "Huh?" Her voice weak from yelling. "I want to be MORE than friends. I love you, Lucy." He's really serious. He said her real name. This causes Lucy to sob even more. She sinks to the ground with her hands covering her face. "Wh-What's wrong?!" Natsu said kneeling down beside her. "I-I'm so re-relived!" She said wrapping her arms around his neck. "I love you too!"

Hey guys! I know "ITS NOT AN UPDATE!" But I'm trying! I just had an idea so I posted this on tumblr and Instagram, so I thought I'd share with you guys! Hope you like it! 😊😁

Nalu Family (DISCONTINUED) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now