Chapter 19

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I wake up on the couch in Juvia's house. I don't know if it's all the junk food we had last night or what but I feel the sudden urge to puke. I feel the contents of last nights pig out and I rush to the bathroom closing the door and emptying my stomach in the toilet. After I grunt a few more times I flush the toilet and brush my teeth. I quietly open the door and make my way to my bag. I grab my jacket and throw it on and write a note for the girls once they wake up. It just says I went home because I needed to deal with something. I don't want them to know I wasn't feeling well cause they might get the impression that I'm pregnant and I don't want them teasing me about it. It's not like I'm pregnant.

I get in my car and drive home wanting to get back in the bed with Natsu. It's only about 5:00 in the morning and I am still sleepy so I turn on the radio to keep me awake until I get home.

I successfully make it home and leave my jacket and bag at the door and sluggishly make my way up the stairs. I open the door to the bedroom and see Natsu spread out on his back with him arms open. Since he left himself wide open I jump on him and he makes a "Oomph" sound as I get comfortable he realizes it's he and hugs me back. He rolls over so I'm facing his chest while is face is buried in the crown of my head.

"Goodnight Luce". He huskily whispers to me

"Goodnight Natsu." I whisper back.

~le time skip~

I open my eyes to see darkness. Wait what? I try to move my head but I feel something wet on my face. It smells disgusting! I feel around and I touch Natsu's arm. His arm? That means my face is somewhere near his ar- his armpit!

I quickly sit up and push him off the bed.

"What the hell Luce?!? What was that for?!" He yelled rubbing his head.

"You pushed my face in your armpit now go take a bath you stink!!" I pulled him up and pushed him into the bathroom. God its getting in my mouth!

I rush to the kitchen and rinse my face in the sink. God that man is like a stink bomb!

After about 10 agonizing minutes he comes out........wearing nothing. I can see his ass from the doorway. I don't have time to blush or basque in his naked glory right now, I want to wash his nasty must off of me. I walk past not looking at him and grab some underwear and my outfit for the day.

He gave me a questioning look when I dropped everything in my hands and sprinted towards the bathroom. I immediately start puking my gut out. Natsu comes running in with only shorts on.

"What's wrong Luce?" He asks while rubbing my back. He pulls my hair back.

"Probably a stomach bug. I'll be fine."

After I managed to get that out it was nothing but dry heaving. After about a minute, I flushed the toilet and rested next to it.

"You need to go to a doctor Luce." Natsu said stroking my hair.

"No I'm fine. It just a stomach bug." I said trying to reassure him that I was fine. But he was persistent today.

"Luce, it could be something serious and I would want you dying on me especially after we just got married or at all!"

I can't stand to see that troubled look on his face.

"Alright. If my condition doesn't improve by tomorrow morning, we'll go to the doctor. Ok?" I said reasoning.

"Alright. Deal."

"Now get out I want to rinse your sweat off of me." I said getting up but quickly stopping because of a cramp in my stomach.

"Are you ok Luce?" Natsu said holding my hand.

"Yea it's just a cramp. I'm fine. It's probably from me vomiting."

"Ok. If something is wrong call me."

"I will"

And with that he left the bathroom so I could clean all his manly musk off of me.

I got out of the shower about 15 minutes later. I got dressed and went straight to the kitchen. I fixed myself some food. It was more than usual but I was going to eat it all.

Not too long after I sat down Natsu came running down the stairs shouting about food. Since I knew he was going to be hungry like he always is, I fixed an extra helping for him.

After we finished eating we just sat down and thought about what we wanted to do since we had a break from work.

"We could go to the amusement park!"

"You really wanna go on rides? Did you forget about your motion sickness and not to mention pre-"

I slapped my hand over my mouth before I could that statement.

Why would I say that?! I'm not pregnant! C-Could I be? I mean the morning sickness, the cramps, the cravings, not to mention my period is late. Oh my God. I-I need to call the girls!

"Um Luce are you ok?" Natsu asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Um yea, I just remembered I have to run some errands."

"Aww! I wanted to do something today!"

"Sorry Natsu but it's really important. I promise we'll do something tomorrow!"

"Ok. I'm holding you to that." He said pouting.

I get up and give him a small kiss on the lips.

"I'll be back before you know it."

I grabbed my keys and book bag

I grabbed my keys and book bag

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And headed for the car. I called Levy, Juvia, Erza, and Mira and put them all in a group call.

"Hello?" I called out.

"Hey/ Hi/ Hello"

"Ok guys are you busy today? I have a problem I need help with."

"I'm free today." Levy said.

"My boss let me off earlier today. So I'm free also." Juvia said.

"Yea me too. Since I work from home I'll be able to come help." Mira said.

"I can have Jellal watch the shop while I'm away." Erza said.

"Thanks guys. Meet me at Fiesta Park in 20 minutes."

"Ok" Everyone said in unison.

They all hung up and I started the drive to Fiesta park.

Hey guys! This chapter I sorta had to wing it so I hope it's not too bad.
Well until next time Turdnuggets!


Nalu Family (DISCONTINUED) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now