Chapter 24

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Lucy's P.O.V
I'm currently sitting in the couch, doing some work from home. Natsu had persuaded me to work from home because I'm now six months pregnant. These days I basically rely on Natsu for everything. I can't reach down or up to get things and I can't pick up heavy things anymore. I hate depending on him this much but I have no right now. I was about to open another file when I get a call from Natsu's boss Oswald. (Comment "Weenie" of you get the reference)

"Hello?" I say wondering why he's calling in the middle of the day.

"Yes, hello Mrs. Dragneel. Umm I need you to come to the hospital right away." He says in a worried tone.

Panic rises in me as I hear those words. "What for? Is something the matter?" I say propping myself up.

"There was an accident during our drills with the newer members. I can explain further when you get here."

"Okay! I'm on my way!" I say. I quickly hang up and dial Gray's number.

"Hello?" I hear his monotone voice over the line.

"Gray, I need you to come with me to the hospital."

"ARE YOU GOING INTO LABOR?!" He says frantically over the line.

"No! No! Natsu got in an accident and he's there right now." I say rubbing my temples.

"Okay, I'll pick you up."

"Thanks, Gray."

I hang up and put on some more decent pants. I grow my shoes on the best I can, grab my bag and wait for Gray.

Around 15 minutes later he pulls up and honks the horn. I waddle as fast as I can and get in. He immediately pulls off and we are on our way to East Magnolia Hospital.

The hospital is pretty far but we got there as fast as we could dealing with mid-day traffic. We go to the front desk and ask if Oswald is there. The nurse goes off to get him and tells us she won't be but a minute. I sway back and forth with my hands perched on my lower back trying not to get stressed.

"He'll be okay Lucy. Don't worry." Gray says comforting me.

"Thanks Gray."

Just then the nurse comes back with a stout man in a royal blue shirt and black pants.'s his wardrobe.

"Mrs. Dragneel thank goodness your here."

"Can you tell me what happened please?" I say in a very concerned tone.

"Yes. We were doing a drill with the newer trainees at an old abandoned building. The ladder that we used to reach the top floor was apparently faulty and collapsed. Your husband and two others were the ones at the top of that ladder. Thankfully it was nothing critical."

"Oh god. Well what injuries does he have?"

"He has a broken leg, Sprained wrist, and a very small concussion. The doctor said he should be fine. He was in so much pain that they had to put him under, but he should wake up soon."

"Can I see him? Is it alright?"

"Yes, I can take you there now."

Gray and I follow Oswald to the room Natsu was currently being treated in. I walk in and see his damaged body on the hospital bed. Even in his sleep he has a pained expression. I walk towards him and sit in the seat next to the bed. I gently start to comb his hair back with my fingers and kiss his forehead. Gray sits on the other side of the room.

I start to hum a little lullaby while stroking his hair.


After about 45 long minutes, Natsu lets out a groggy groan and begins to roll his eyes. He moves his head around. I think he felt my hand cause he mumbles my name.

"Lu-cy?" He says starting to slowly open his eyes.

"Yea I'm here. Take it easy." I say gently still stroking his hair. Gray gets up out of his chair and walks towards the hospital bed with his hands in his pocket.

"Hey flame head, you doing ok?" Even in a situation like this he still calls him names.

"Re-ally Gra-y?" Natsu whispers.

"Gray just go get the nurse." I shoo him out of the room.

"Hey Natsu. You in any pain?" He only has enough energy to nod his head yes. I kiss his forehead and continue to rub his hair.

Gray eventually comes back with the nurse, who conveniently brought Natsu some pain pills. I help Natsu sit up the best I can, so that he could take his medicine. The doctor comes in and wants to speak to me outside.

"Mrs. Dragneel, I assure your husband will be fine. His concussion isn't serious. His leg should be healed in six to eight weeks, so come back after that amount of time and he'll most likely be put in a brace. His wrist was just sprained so the brace on his wrist should come off in about two weeks. After you sign the release papers you'll be good to go."

"Thank you very much!"

"It's what I do."

I quickly sign the release papers and go back to the room to tell Gray we are able to leave.

"Gray, doctor says we're good to go."


Gray pulls over a wheelchair and helps Natsu out of the bed.

We wheel his out of the hospital to the car, where Gray helps him again.

"Thank you Gray, for helping me." I say from the back seat.

"It's nothing. We may not get along but he is my best friend." He says looking at me in the rear view mirror.

Not much time passes before we pull up to the house. Gray once again wheels him in the house and helps him to sit on the bed.

"Thanks again Gray." I say one last time (I need to be the one who takes you home. Sorry I had to...)

"Its no problem, Lucy." With that he walks back to his car and I walk upstairs to help Natsu.

"You tired?" I ask as I get some new clothes to help him get in.

"Yea. I still feel the anesthetic."

"Yea well men tend to take longer to recover from it. Arms above your head."

"What are you? My mom?" He says but still does what I say nonetheless.

"No I'm your wife."

I help him with the rest of his clothes and head back downstairs to fix some food for us. I bring back two bowls of rice and beans. (It's good)
After we eat we go to bed.
Hello! I haven't updated in a while but I was thinking up ideas whenever I had the chance to. Hope you enjoyed!

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