The Truth.

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", look before I dated you, you know that I dated three other girls right? I, Adira my first girlfriend left me and I was heartbroken, my second girlfriend was Tanishks current girlfriend, Rajvi, she... "

" You lied to me that it was someone from your classes and was insignificant.." I said. I could feel my heart beating thumping in my chest. I was so mad at him. He lied to me.i could feel tears starting to well in my eyes.

"Adira yes, I am sorry but thats not the thing that I wanted to tell you, the thing is that, I found out she was cheating on me one day and I didn't confront her.."

" So you just let her treat you that way, did you love her that much.?" I asked him knowing that if he said yes, I would probably never get over it.

" No, my third girlfriend, well, I cheated on Rajvi and her both, and I did it for a while before breaking it off. I swear baby I never loved any one of them. I just wanted revenge. So I did it and after Rajvi came to know, I felt like I got my revenge, I was content so I broke it off.."

I was speechless. I had nothing to say. I watched out of the window in my bedroom as I cried, not knowing what was going on. I couldn't understand anything. I lost my trust on Ahaan. I never expected this. I needed something to help me forget he did it but he did do it. I hated him for this. I could hear him apologizing on the phone but it did not matter anymore. I didn't want him near me. I actually trusted him and he turned out to be this terrible person. I felt so lost.

He turned out to be the exact opposite of how I thought he was.


I could hear her sobbing on the other side and all I wanted to do was hold her and make it alright. I used to tell her how I was not like those stupid guys but the truth was I had done this bad thing and there was no running away from it. I wish I had told her sooner.
After I and Rajvi came clean to each other we remained friends. It was hard knowing she was dating my best friend behind my back and none of them told me but that did not give me the right to cheat her and another girl.  I was high on anger and revenge when I did that and it felt amazing to see Rajvi embarrassed as I outed her and the look on my best friends face was priceless. But later calmed down and came to my senses. The other girl was never into me and was using me like a chauffeur just like I was for my revenge.

I had never felt so bad and pathetic about it up until now. To see the girl I loved so much cry and break before me was the most horrible thing that had ever happened to me. To know that I was the reason behind her pain was killing me and I could feel her disappointment and her sadness by the way she still sobbed and all I could think off was to do something.

"Goddbye Ahaan.." she said before cutting the call.
No. What did she mean?  I had to know. So I called her back and the call got disconnected after the first ring itself. She blocked me. Dammit. She can't do it. How can she just block me. Adira was hurt but could she just walk out of my life this way?

My head was spinning as I dialled her number again and again looking down at my screen wet with tears. I had to talk to her. Tell her it was nothing. Tell her how I would never do it again. Now I was angry at myself that I wasn't man enough to tell her face to face. I would do anything to talk to her. I just needed a chance. I couldn't just let her leave so easily. I loved her.

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