Chapter 5 - Moving on....

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"Are you out of your mind, Brandon?" My stepmom just blurted out of the blue. I know I am just talking to my dad all along and she wants to join the conversation. She was knitting my unborn sibling's shoe and I could see the needles that she's holding moved up and down as if she wants to prick me by the eyes using them.

"Brandon, you must think it over, son. You can not just decide in a haste."

"Dad, I made up my mind."

"Peter, you cannot just make your son move school. Blue Ridge is the best school in the country. "

I could see my dad's face getting irritated. It seemed like he's going to explode, but I saw him breathed deeply.

"Brandon, you're graduating and I am so concern about the standards...."

"But dad, I want a total new environment....I want you to trust me on this."

"Peter..." my stepmom sighed with dismay.

"Graciana, we'll talk about this okay", he gave her a pat on her shoulder. I would say if she keeps quiet for a while and accept this, she will have my whole respect for a lifetime.

"Peter, I am telling it's not a good idea."

Dad turned to me, "Brandon, this I am telling you. I will grant my permission but we need to have an agreement."

"You got my word, dad."

"You must show me the better version of Brandon. The Brandon I used to know--smart and active."

Now we are talking business here. I know there is a bargain and for once between dad and me, I have a feeling that I could win that bargain.

"Thanks, Dad. I have an idea where to's just the public school across Blue Ridge."

I saw my stepmom's jaw dropped open and was about to protest.

"I saw and read some streamers outside that shows that it is in the nation's top 20 public high schools. It has a good athletic team and swimming team."

Finally, I saw my dad's face lit up. It's probably the first time he saw me insisting something good for myself. It's the first time I spoke what I want and what I really desire. Part of the truth is I want to get away from Krizzia and also part of it is to break free. I have lived in the US for 15 years--- of freedom and to make good choices for myself. Then, I was thrown to this place where I seemed to be guarded all the time and to be "harrassed" by stepmom of her shrieking voice everyday. Good thing it has been mellowed when she knew she was pregnant.

"Brandon, don't fail my trust on you. I just want you to be good to yourself and don't make me go to school and speak with your principal twice a week because you were in trouble...or I have to receive your failing grade."

Honestly, even though how uncertain and distrustful my words are--- when I heard my dad's words encouraging and kind of "warning" me at the same time-- I feel that I somehow about to grow up.

Yes, I am about to break free from Blue Ridge School which undoubtedly one of the best private school in the Philippines, but just want to get out in the company of some cliques that I used to know. A name of a school just snapped in my mind--- Manuel Roxas High School--the school just across the street. Well, it's just because of the reason it's the second high school that I know of.

Whatever my fate is--- I gotta have (I can't believe I am saying this)...FAITH. There is it, I said it.

Tale of Two TeenagersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon