Chapter 5|✓

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Feeling something warm and snuggly under me, I cuddled to it more. it was nice, it's been long time since I slept with this much comfort. I sighed and got closer to the source that is offering me warmness but I am very sure that the hospital bed that I slept on isn't as warm nor as snuggly as what I am feeling so when my eyes fluttered open and I was met with the familiar blue eyes looking straight at me quickly scrambled away from Rafael in hope to create a respectful distance but then I realized if not for the hand that shot fast to catch me I would be now on the hard floor nursing a very pained lower back.

"Be careful now bambina, you just healed and we don't want you getting hurt again over something so insignificant"  

My cheeks became more flushed then they were when I realized that me and Rafael shared a bed and then I heard the most heavenly chuckle not that I ever heard another chuckle technically that's the first human being I interact with aside from my parents.

It seems that I was out of it for a long time because I felt something shifts beside me  and then I saw that Rafael is no longer on the bed beside me but standing in front of me with gentle look in his mesmerizing blue eyes 

"Thank you" I blurted out suddenly, Rafael got confused for a second before understanding downed on him and if it was possible his eyes became gentler and softer

"I told you last night never thank me" he crouched in front of me and tucked my hair behind my ears  as he continued speaking in a soft tone "I do this because I want to and don't think for a second you should pay me back or some stuff like that,  because then I will feel very offended."

then he started leaning closer, large hands sliding away from behind my ear to my cheeks inching my face closer to his until his forehead laid on mine all this while his stare was fixed on me  without moving away even for one second  and kept staring at me as if he was contemplating something. I sat still not really knowing what to do as he seemed busy thinking, his eyes holding conflicted look, like he was really bothered with something and was in war with himself.

Wanting to comfort him in anyway, I acted on my instinct as I took his face in my small hands caressing his cheeks. Then like switch his eyes no longer held that bothered look but now holding a soft calm one. It was like we were in our own bubble, silence roamed on the empty hospital room, as the only sound was our soft breathing sound. Rafael suddenly closed his eyes, effectively breaking the trance as he sighed murmuring something in foreign language  "Non ho idea di cosa fare con te bella " and gave my nose a light peck followed in suit my palms that no no longer rested on his cheeks but in his hands. 

Rafael then stood up from his crouching position and at the exact same moment the door burst open and his friend Alexander emerged in his hands small black bag . He flashed me a small soft smile before he turned to Rafael "I brought what you told me with few things" "Thank you Alexander, Alberto's leave should have started yesterday and I couldn't hold him any longer" " No problem Rafaello." Suddenly Rafael's phone rang loudly, he took it out taking a small look at its screen Rafael muttered a few stuff under his breath and turned to me and looked "Sorry darling I have to step outside to take this would you be comfortable if I leave you with Alexander for few minutes", feeling self conscious because Alexander here sending him a knowing look, I blushed hard but nonetheless nodded back at him telling I would be fine even though I really wanted him to stay.

I have nothing against Alexander but the man was intimidating I know he and Rafael are the same but for some weird reason I found Rafael approachable and Alexander untouchable he has this aura that surrounds him that gives off the vibe "stay away and don't you dare to talk to me or you are going to regret it"  even though he has not been anything but nice to me but still I am sure he can kill people with one glance. I stayed still when I felt his stare at me "breath Mikró korítsi, I am not going to do anything I promise" I blushed had when I realized indeed I was holding my breath. I tried to let out a sigh discreetly but I think I failed because I soon heard Alexander's husky laugh, then he said softly

"I am sorry Mikró korítsi, I know that I don't sound a friendly person, but I will try, I don't want to make you uncomfortable"

"It's okay, I am not also the greatest person to talk to people" I mumbled an answer to him "I know what you mean, introvert people like us are hard to feel at ease with strangers" I let out a small laugh at the effort he is trying to put, pretending to know what he is talking about I said "I know that you went through something bad, I noticed how you act Mikró korítsi so don't let my scary person scares you you need protection and I want to protect you." I looked at him like he offered me the moon and I replied him sincerly with small smile playing at my lips "thank you Alexander"

Half hour later, when Rafael came back, he found me and Alexander in the middle of  serious conversation if wolves can be tamed and be taken as pets "listen Mikró korítsi you can't have a pet wolf at home" "But why they are cute" "Bambina, do you realise that's dangerous?" this time Rafael who replied. I turned my face away from them pouting "come on bambina don't be like that I will get you a kitten if you want""No no I will get you Wolfdog if you want Mikró korítsi" I snapped my head toward Alexander with hope in my eyes "really?" Rafael glared at him "no I will get you that" I stared at them as they kept bantering forth and south and I couldn't hold my laugh any longer.

They both ceased their moves as they looked at me, feeling self conscious under their gazes, I blushed hard which I seem to be doing a lot these two days and stopped laughing, they both shared a knowing looks. Rafael then looked at his watch and said "shoot, I forgot, here Rita"handing me the black bag that Alexander brought earlier" go to the bathroom and change, we need to leave in a few" then he came closer to me kissed my forehead and said " Don't take too long I will be outside , signing the papers's hospital to discharge you and Alexander would be here waiting for you to bring you me" then he kissed my temple again and left. Leaving me standing, hanging and blushing and if not for Alexander who cleared his throat I am sure I would be still standing there. 

"A kiss on the lips would always ignites an erotic feeling, A kiss on the cheek and nose would always aspire a giggle but A kiss on the temple would envelop you in utter bliss of protection "

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