Chapter 13 |✓

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A trip to Séville it's exactly what I need to set the mood and tell Rita the truth even though I am now a clean man still I don't want our relationship to have secrets or anything close to that.

Honestly these two months had taught me a lot about love and cleared a lot of misconceptions for one love does make you act stupidly but on the other hand it does not make you blind as everyone say.

They say love is blind but no love  makes you accept the people the way they are; you acknowledge their flaws and love their qualities

To be more specific love is not blind because we see their flaws we accept them, we tell them when they hurt us, we sit down to talk it through and we promise to stand by them till the end but the moment we start justifying their mistakes and giving them excuses making it seem like it's okay  and we act like they did the right thing then that's no longer love but a toxic relationship full of unrealistic stuff that only make sense to you.

But to be honest love enhance life it's like you turned on a filter on your life everything seems beautiful and life is all about pink and unicorns especially of your lover is someone like Rita than that's whole different level of love.

Looking back to what I am doing, I searched Rita's cream that she uses before bed. Actually I am packing her stuff behind her back. I got Alexander to go out and meet her so I can continue my mission for the surprise. As I was going back to check the bathroom for nth time, I found fozdka pulling on my pant using his paw holding the cream in his mouth . I held the feline in my hand levelling him eye to eye with me taking the said cream from his mouth I said "Thank you buddy but this it is still no you are not coming with us." as if he understood my words he hissed at me before he jumped out of my hand and left the room.

Three hours later, all bags are packed, the feline is with Zachary, Rita at the airport with Alexander and I am three steps away from them. " bambina " I said as I hugged her from behind straddling her and nodding toward Xander "hi there" he said in a reply for my nod then I kissed her her side head " Siamo spiacenti" (sorry). She turned in my arms "Rafael what is the meaning of this?" "umm, sorry." I replied it took her a second before she understood what I meant. Rita then glared at me "no you you dumb I meant what are we doing at the airport at ten p.m."

I hugged her tighter in my arm as I smiled and said "we are going for vacation tesoro" " vacation what vacation? When and where and why wasn't I informed about this?" then she started to panic "Ragazza (girl) no need to panic I wanted to surprise you that's why I didn't inform you and before you start asking fozdka is with Zachary and most likely Nathan is with them." "and what about my job. Rafael I start working there next week and I don't want to seem that person who uses her relationship with the CEO to her advantage." "you said it yourself bambina you are in relationship with the CEO so can you put a little faith in him and believe that he took care of everything." "but,but,.." she trailed off

"look if you don't want to go then we won't go we do whatever you are comfortable with" I said as I watched her how she started fidgeting scared that she really don't want to go before she said "I want to go, I really want to but.." I smiled relieved before cutting her off " then off we go." she wanted to protest but as she saw how determined I was she said instead "let's say goodbye to Xander before we leave." I took her hand in mine before walking to my private plane "no need he left the moment he said hi."

Hours later we are in Séville, Spain in one of its famous guest House. I reserved two rooms since me and Rita are not living each other yet I decided I won't ask her to move in with me till there is no secrets in between us because I know for a fact I won't have a wink of sleep knowing that I had her trust to sleep beside her and here I am hiding this huge secret from her so we are playing it safe for now.

Me and Rita arrived at eleven a.m which gave us the time to shower  freshen up and sleep to get rid of the jet lag for tonight. The manager of the guesthouse said this is a traditional oriented guest house that plays old Spanish and andalusian music and tonight is going to be mixed with a bit of North African.

I wore a white shirt two first buttons are open pairing it with a pair of khaki shorts. I think I did look fine for tonight's party but the fact that I am confessing this night is making me nervous and stressed. Pacing around I  noticed that I was ready  and I can  head out to Rita's room to get her. I knocked on the door and waited for a few seconds and let me tell you I am a civilesed person with an open mind set who doesn't mind or even care what girls wear but I think that's my wishful thinking because Rita is proving me wrong.

All in La zingara (Gypsy) mood, A naked back, with deep v neck and behind the neck a bow to tie the laces that covers the breasts and from the waist down a high-low skirt that contained layers with pair of black sandals high heeled. I don't remember buying her those heels and most definitely I don't remember packing her such scandalous red dress but the look on her blue eyes stopped me from saying anything hurtful or even negative for that matter so sucking it in like a big boy I instead focus on her face. Angel face full of freckles all over her nose is framed by her strawberry blonde hair in which was accessoirised with big white flower nestled between her hair strands.

" Inebriante (intoxicating) as usual." I whispered at her before taking her hand pulling her to me then I put my hands around her waist guiding her toward the party.

Arriving at the designated area, the host lead us toward the table. Suddenly I remembered why we are here nervousness started creeping out all on me but I concealed it so Rita won't notice anything. Seeing g the dinner is yet to be served and there is a music I asked La mia ragazza (my girl) for a dance to remove the tension and start the night on a good note.

(the song in the media section is the o'e they are dancing on)

As the instrumental part started playing, I took her hand in mine then I put my hand on her waist pulling her to me only millilitres away as other dancers took the same position as us "umm Rafael I forgot to tell you, I don't know how to dance." Rita whispered in panic and I smiled at her said "it's okay follow my lead.". Putting her hand on my shoulder and tightning my grip on her hand to offer some comfort And as soon the words started, I started moving us; moves in form of skipping, twirling and dipping. Rita's dress is flying everywhere like flame attracting everyone's attention. Some of the dancers even stopped their own dance to watch us. Rita getting the hang of the dance she started moving on her own shaking her dress, lifting her feet and leaning in. And at the end of the song, I twirled her to have her standing back to chest to me, her right hand is holding my left one in the air and my right one is enclosing on her waist with her left one with my left leg encaging hers . Our lips  are milliliter apart and as much as I wanted to kiss her to show everyone she is mine I know she won't be comfortable with that so instead I kiss her forehead and give her a full back hug as we hear clapping and cheers.

Going back to our table and as I started preparing my speech in my head so I can end this thing tonight and enjoy the rest of vacation with her I heard her say "thank you Rafael I really did enjoy this thank you for bringing me and convincing me to come here. I love you Rafael I really do. I hope nothing ruins our vacation."

face flushed, eyes twinkling, voice full of hope and bittersweet words were enough to shut me up for the rest of vacation.

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