Chapter 6 |✓

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I never felt more lost than now, oh god I don't even know what I am doing, well technically speaking I know what I am doing waiting for Rafael to bring his car in front of the hospital but in long term speaking, no I have no absolute idea, I mean these guys have their own life they can't stop it because I was an unprepared and maybe unwelcomed surprise from fate. 

It isn't fair especially for Rafael whom I heard he should have already started his vacation three days ago and guess who ruined that for him, yes, it's me. But at the same time they are the only humans and people who I know and trust them and Honestly I wish I can do something about it anything instead of developing a dependency on them.

I was broken out from my reverie by a roaring engine sound looking around turns out it is Rafael's car, I quickly got on it to avoid hindering people behind us in their cars but weirdly enough they started honking wildly but  Rafael didn't mind them at all and pulled swiftly out of the hospital.

 Not really knowing to say,I sat silently there and put my head on the window watching the cars zooming by as I kept thinking what's going to happen now, praying deep in my heart that the guys wouldn't abandon me especially Rafael it's scary how much I became dependent on the guy in just three days

"A penny for your thoughts" I heard the main subject of my thoughts asks from his seat as he looked at me from the driving mirror, I blushed a deep bloody red and turned my head away mumbling " there is nothing in my head for now" as if detecting the lie that just slipped through my lips he smirked and gave me a side glance " I am sure it is something if it had you blushing like that for a mere innocent question" I shook my head quickly "no no it's really nothing" "Suppongo che dobbiamo farlo nel modo più duro" I heard Rafael mutter

Suddenly the car comes to a stop on the side of highway I turned to Rafael to ask him why we stopped but he beat me to it "Look Rita, I don't want you to hide anything from me no matter how small or insignificant it may seem let alone something that has been bothering you since you were waiting for me in front of the hospital" "what?" "yes I didn't want to tell you this to not to make you feel uncomfortable but I had to make a lot of noise to get your attention for minute I thought I had to get down to get you in the car" "Oh my god really, I am really sorry I didn't mean to I had a lot on my mind and ,and, and Oh god I do really not know what to say" I put my face in my hand completely mortified by my own actions as understanding downed on me on why people earlier were honking loudly at me and  if it was even possible I became more mortified.

Gently removing my hands from my face and taking them into his Rafael said softly "this exactly why I did't want to tell you because I already noticed you are burdened out by something else and I want to help you with thing but I can't if you don't allow me to" 

Pulling my hands out of his and wrapping them around me to gain some sense of comfort I inhaled deeply before answering his with same tone but a lighter voice "the problem is that I have no one in this world right now and you guys already have your life and I don't want to halt your live so you can take care of mine but in the same time I can't seem to do the right thing and I don't know what to de next when you and the guys leave I am a stranger in this world."

 I swallowed a lump that has formed and continued "I have been lonely for the last few years and it's been scary and dark and after I experienced what it feels like to being surrounded by people" then at that moment I looked right at his ocean eyes as a tear slipped from my left eye sliding all the way on my cheek "I think I may die if I ever to become alone and lonely again"

quickly wiping the tears that started falling randomly " and now I am sure you think what a dependent girl that I made mistake of saving" 

I heard Rafael sigh as I saw him rub his face and then he looked at me intensely to make sure he is getting his point delivered 'here we go boy here is the backlash' I thought bitterly  " I think it's my fault, I didn't make myself clear enough hence you are having all these factless thoughts. Look Rita I am here to stay when I promised you last night in the hospital it wasn't for the sake of moment I did mean it you are never to be alone believe me when I say no matter what changes in your life I am your constant from the moment I found you in the forest laying defenseless against the danger of the world onward"

I looked in awe at Rafael never knew the man could be any nicer or more gentle than he already has been but boy I was wrong and effectively wiping any worries or concerns I had earlier. My heart beat wildly in my chest as if it will burst and I am sure that Rafael could hear it. I sent him a smile that conveyed all the emotions that I couldn't put into words and by the look of his eyes I am sure he got my message. 

  Rafael is god's gift to me and I am sure going to take care of it. He was the light in my darkness and a guide in the world that I am estranged to and maybe I am starting to feel for him probably more than I should be feeling.

Getting on the highway again Rafael finished off the conversation by saying " Cara, I hope you can promise me from now on you tell me what goes around in that pretty head of yours because I don't want you to worry about none existential and I promise to tell you my thoughts in return"

"yeah I promise"  

"Promises are promises whether they are meant to be broken or not it's up to fate"

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