Chapter 16| Not edited

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I am in deep grief when I thought that everything started to get better and fate was on my side. it, like a tornado, came and went, ruining the only thing I loved leaving me a shell of a man. It's been six months since the rescue mission honestly the name does not even fit because finding Rita's lifeless body was not the aim. The aim was to get her back into my arms safe and sound at least that's what I promised her. The girl had no one but me in this world she trusted me to keep her out of harm's way but guess what I had to break the only promise that I ought not to and it had to be the one that I made to her.

But that's not the only reason why I am guilty if I hadn't been stupid and remembered Bianca knew who I am I would have ended her just to eliminate every threat. I wouldn't have been here watching a pale Rita on the hospital bed for six months and to top of it, all the doctors want her off the machine. they said she was overdue because if she couldn't wake up on the third month then her chances of waking up are slimmed down to none. Even though no one dared to say anything to my face nor my family and friends but I have heard the talks seen the stares and sensed the tension but they would be dumb if they think I am getting her off the machine just because of their scientific shit. I have always been a religious man and I deeply believe that God wouldn't have gifted me Rita just to take her away so easily.

As I was seated on the chair next to her bed, I put my hand in her strawberry blonde hair brushing through. I kissed her temple before leaning back to my chair, my hand leaving her hair to hold hers. " Hey baby, it's been six months since you're in this state. One hundred and ninety-four days to be specific give or take few hours, I know I have been doing this since ever but I have read somewhere that talking with people in a coma may help them wake up. So yeah I will keep on doing it until I can see your eyes fluttering open" Suddenly remembering what the doctor told me a lump gathered in my throat that was hard to swallow. Standing up I went to the door and locked it firmly then went back to my seat. Completely alone with her, as usual, I felt comfortable to bare my soul to her.

Third POV

"Today is the twenty-second of December, Christmas around the corner but the one who I want to spend it with is not here yet. It was supposed to be our first Christmas together but I guess fate had other plans. But also the girl who I loved was supposed to hear the truth from me not from a stranger and I was also supposed to protect the said girl not give her on a silver plate so yeah in a way I deserved this but I wish if my punishment was mine to take." wiping a tear that escaped his left eye he resumed" But today unlike our other talking days I am going to tell you the truth doesn't matter if you are in a coma or not or you heard it from someone else I am telling it to you now the whole truth Because in the worst-case scenario at least I did one thing right." taking a deep breath mulling over how he is going to start "I guess then like they say if you want to tell story right inceptions are the perfect beginnings." I murmured " A few decades ago, Italy was not ruled by its government but by Mafia, a mafia that was founded by my ancestors. The codes were short, to the point, and sharp. Sharp enough to keep everyone on their toes. Including the leaders. And my Nonno had to go and break not one but two of these codes causing him to endure the consequences, ones that almost broke him.

When my grandfather was twenty-five he had an arranged marriage with a full-blooded Italian woman and a year later they had my father. Two months after giving birth to my patri the woman died of poison. For the safety of l'erede (the heir) and Re Della Mafia (mafia king), Nonno had to relocate to America at that time the land of the free, and built his business there. Sometimes later when he was in one of his meetings he met the love of his life. At first, they kept it secret but someone got a sniff and went to rat him out to the council. When the council became aware of the reason and that he fell in love with a civilian an American nonetheless. they went nuts and since they had the power to start a rebellion they didn't allow it unless he agrees on giving them the heir so they can raise him. Grandfather didn't agree but then they kidnapped his bride one hour after their wedding threatening him to agree or the consequences would be dire." gulping I whispered "they said they would send her in pieces" as a tear run down his cheek.

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