Chapter 10 |✓

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The door opened and closed and I had to look up to see the intruders who came in without as very much as knocking even though I had a pretty good idea who they were.

I lifted my head from the paperwork only to find myself in a shock and no not because the guys but there stood the subject of my thoughts holding the green eyed dark feline staring back at me with same intensity that I am starting at her with regaining control over myself again I quickly went over her embracing taking in her scent and making sure she was here and not a blink of eye later she returned the hug and I am sure the cat is feeling squeezed.

"what? This is like the hundredth time I have been here and never have I had such welcome and I have been your friend for so long I have to admit Raf I am little hurt" I ignored what nick just said as I heard the guys snicker.

After calming myself and realising that Rita is really here I pulled back a little bit but keeping my hands around her and glared at her "I thought we agreed that I was the one who is getting you tomorrow." looking down she played with lower button of my shirt and replied softly " I know but I didn't want to disturb your work plus I really wanted to surprise you" then she looked with hope in her eyes "didn't you like my surprise?" I sighed before saying "Rita we talked about this before you can never be a disturbance to me so never think that way again second since when did you become such a schemy person?" I finished with a smile playing on my lips "so you did like my surprise." Rita affirmed releasing a laugh I pulled her back to me again as I muttered in her hair "yes I did piccola I did." before turning my eyes to the guys glaring at them telling them silently we are talking about this later.

I tapped my fountain pen on the maghony desk as I watched my bambina sleeping on my couch. Laying there she sounded so peaceful exactly how she makes me feel when she is next to me.
Honestly these past few of years has been hard on me but I knew I had to do for a some reasons few of them being I had to give her the space she needed to grow emotionally and personality wise so she won't feel forced in the relationship that I am hoping to have with her even though I am sure she feels the connection every time our eyes clash and we would go into trance ignoring everyone and everything around us so I had to send her away the other reason being I needed time to organise my life for her and I meant by life is my life as Re degli inferi (King of the underworld) I needed a properer set up if I wanted Rita for my life forever.

So basically her thinking that she convinced me to let her go to the UK it's just a way for me to let her know that it's me who decides and I don't want to sound controlling but seeing my line of work believe me when I say it's for her safety and that's why I was angry when she came a while ago without me knowing all the way from the United Kingdom to the United States means the people who were in charge of watching her didn't tell me and my people who surveys the border didn't tell me and anyone who I put on her didn't think it's an information that it was worth knowing even though I always stress to them how Rita is their first priority and anything she does I must be informed about. I always thank god that she is not the rebellious type but then I think it is her docile nature and her positive approach to life that made me fall in love with her.

Shaking my head from my thoughts, I stood up from my chair and headed to the couch. Time to wake up La mia piccola Colomba, I bent down to the couch's level and caressed her adorable cheek with the back of my hand not really having the heart to wake her up but I know I had to since there's an impending talk between us that is overdue.

We were supposed to have it immediately when she comes back. I promised her that but then my plan at that time was I was the one who suppose to flow her back here to a romantic dinner prepared by yours truly because I really wanted to confess to her and get over with it. I can no longer hold back myself and I really wanted her to be my girlfriend and hopefully my future wife. And since the guys were here too I couldn't have my privacy so we simply sat down all of us had my secretary bring us lunch then I kicked them out when I noticed that the jet lag started taking over bambino so she can rest.

"Rita" I whispered in her ear as I kissed her forehead gently. I watched her shake her head slowly before she opened her lids, her glassy blue eyes meeting mine filled with delicate emotions, our noses a millimeter apart and if I move head a bit I know I would be kissing her. Realising our position, I watched her eyes go from feeling filled to panic as she blinked them rapidly and successively before moving away. Her face became crimson red even her elve like ears became Ruby colored.

Finding her shyness heart melting, I took her face between my hand as I looked at her eyes again like I am staring at her soul. I stayed like that for a few minutes conveying the message that she has nothing to be shy of before kissing her forehead for nth time today and standing up.

"go and fresh up in the cubicle and I will be waiting here" I finished with smile. I watched how she went there before I picked up the phone and called my secretary " cancel my meetings for the next two hours" "right away Mr. Castiglione" came her reply before I hanged up. Looking around I don't think an office would be a good place for my confession.

Five minutes later, Rita came out all fresh and woken up I smiled at her before telling her to take a seat on the couch before I took a seat beside her. Taking her hand in mine I said

"I know you are confused and you want an answer and I know I promised you a one the last time we talked you would have it the moment you are here but things didn't go as I planned not that I am not happy with your surprise believe me I am it's just that I had something up in my sleeve to surprise you and what I want to say is " I released a sigh before continuing " would you go out with me tonight for dinner and give a chance to clear your confusion away? " and I waited watching her face confront in a confused state before she decided to put me out of my misery and said

" I may be clueless in this big world but if anything I am sure of is that I trust you Rafael and I do want to have some answers so yes I would very much like to go out with you tonight for dinner"

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