Chapter 14 |✓

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walking through thr airport's door for today is the day we are leaving Spain. I was with Rita hand in hand ready to board the plane when I received a phone call that there is fire that broke out in my company in Spain's branch so I had to let Rita fly back alone alone and I had to go to Barcelona to check out the problem myself.

Twelve hours later, I was tired annoyed stressed and most of all angry, Rita is not picking up her phone, the fire thing is no accident and I am not feeling that anyone is doing a thing. I called Alexander to go and check on her. Hearing a knock on my door I said "come in" and then turned to the one who disturbed me "Speak fast" I commanded in cold and rude tone not trying at all to hide my annoyance "Sir there's someone who sent personal a gift to you". I glared at him "Do I look in the mood of recieving gifts." the man started shaking and said "I am sorry sir but who delivered said you would regreted it if you didn't recieved it now." feeling confused I nodded at him to come forth "put the box on the desk and leave." I looked at the box sometime before getting back to my paperwork. I have a girl to go back to I don't need a child play to distract me.

Not even a minute later the shrill of my phone cut through the silence of my office "Rafaello speaking" I said without checking the ID caller "hey Raf it's me Alexander" I heard him say on the other line "Is Rita okay did she lost her phone?" I cut him "Raf your plane never landed" "I knew she must be sleepin- what? what did you say?" "I said your plane never landed I went to Rita's apartment no one was there so I headed to the airport the staff told me that your plane never entred the american air." "what are you saying the plane should have landed two hours ago" I said panic started setting in before my eyes landed on the white box "call you back later" I said to him and hanged up.

Pulling the red ribbon I took off the white lid. there layed  something would terrify the bravest man but not me. It was a doll with her head hanging from her neck, her eyeballs weren't there instead of them there was a black hole. her lips were curled with a black pen into a scary sadist smile ,her hair was disoriented in every way, her dress was barely there so I'd opt to say the fabric that was hanging from her body was in shreds around her body and te weirdest thing it was like it has been in a bathtub filled with blood yes she was dripping with blood not fresh but also not dry like the owner of the blood has been killed an hour ago top.

In my whole mafia career I saw someting worst then that did somothing worse than that and it's not what caused the panic in me but the fact that this doll had a sick similaraties with Rita. My Rita mia ainma (my soul) . and on top of it the rags that the doll wore had the same patterns and colors as Rita's dress that she wore to going back to america. As I was inspecting the doll still in trance a not fell from it. I picked it up and read 'tik tock the clock is ticking' -B

Suddenly breathing got so hard and I  felt like the rage eating me inside out
And went into a rampage like only a beast would. Throwing the plants that laid aside from the window throwing fists at the desk and crashing the bathroom's veneer. I started calling her name and every time I say her name and not hear her angelic voice responding to me anger takes over me a little more and I become a little more mad then I already am.

I opened my office's door and  I shouted "if I don't see Rita within hour I am ending you all. And I fucking mean it." before going back to my office.
I was dumb. Dumb for letting her board the plane alone, dumb for not making sure she is extra safe and dumb for not worrying enough when she didn't pick up earlier. I felt guilt eating me alive but soon I turned it all to rage,anger and hate towards the one who cause it this chaos and I'll be damned if I didn't know who did this to her and I won't rest until I torture him till he'll wish that he never born.


I waved good bye to Rafael as he is going to join me a day later or two at tops at least that's what he said. As the plane took off I asked from the flight attendant a blanket and I settled in my chair as sleep took over me.

Hour later or so, I heard a commotion opening my eyes I find myself eye to eye with what seemed a gun and  before I register the scene someone hit me with it saying "go back to sleep sweetheart it is not your time yet." and black holes started appearing in my vision before blacking out completely.

Sometimes later I woke up. My eyes were covered. I was tied to a chair my hands behind my back and my feet to the feet's chair each  respectively and my mouth was muffled with a cloth. Panic started to set in my chest and breathing got so hard especially with the cloth. Tears spurt from eyes feeling suffocated and scared. When Suddenly someone took the rag out of my mouth finding my way back to breath I started breathing with big gulp each larger than the one before.

As I did that I heard a chuckle not the nice one but a malicious one it scared me to the bones "ah finally La principessa I thought it's going to take forever." a feminine familiar voice said. "um please can you untie me." I said in a shaky voice "of course anything else principessa" I heard the malicious voice but suddenly it doesn't seem so bad "really! Thank you I am really grateful to you." I said in hopeful voice then the voice said "Ancora stupido come sempre (Still as dumb as ever)." before ripping the cloth from my sight. As my eyes adjusted to the room dim brightness.

I opened my eyes clearly. I started looking around suddenly a gasp escaped my mouth there stood Bianca Bertolini the former secretary of Rafael in all her glory in her usual sultry look as My mind stopped working for a moment to register what's happening I noticed a body laid next to the wall. Focusing more I was hit by two facts the first is that the body belonged to none other than Elizabeth Knight and the second that she is dead and swimming in her own blood.

Forgetting about Bianca, I started screaming and trashing not caring that I was tied to a chair. Her body was not far from me and her blood was even closer and that idea shook me more and as my trashing became more intense I fell with the chair sideway on the floor and as I hit the floor I let out a scream that could wake the dead my nose a millilitre away from her blood puddle and her dead empty eyes staring right back at me.

A half hour later, my tears dried but lu mind is somewhere else and I can't seem to reach him. Then I heard her voice, a voice that I grew to hate "you see the terror you're feeling now, the shock that you're easing to and the numbness you're feeling is what I exactly felt when I saw you the first time in the restaurant. A woman after my man's own heart and looking at him I knew I was going into a lost fight." Not sparing her glancey my ears continued following her anything to distract me from the Ugly scene that is filling my whole vision. My eyes couldn't escape it and I had to close them.

And I heard her saying" so I decided to do the only thing that can bring peace to my aching heart; revenge. I mean it was easy all I had to do is to take you down and watch the great Rafael castiglione crumble down to his knees before me and that's exactly what's going to happen because what's you're going to know next will ruin you"

Then she laughed and said "you know the girl there is your boyfriend's artwork and oh in case you didn't know your boyfriend is Il re degli inferi which means he is the Mafia boss at least he was until a month ago I think and if you didn't know what is Mafia I will tell you" I felt her smile before she said " an organisation that kills people, sells kids and rapes women.. " and I couldn't hear the rest because I fainted.

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