chapter 7|✓

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I parked the car in front of Zack's Restaurent I am sure that Rita is hungry and she is too shy to say anything about it so I took the matter in my own hand. Feeling her confused stare on me I heard her ask "where are we Rafael?" did I mention my heart melts a little more when I hear her say my name because it does " Zack's restaurent to eat and discuss stuff plus I want you meet someone" I answered her as I got off the car and went to the other side to open her door before she can get out on her own 

"My lady" I said dipping my head a little bit extending my hand to her sensing her amusement she took my offered hand and descended down the car. her arms linked into mine and side by side we entered the said restaurent. Knowing my way around , perks of the being the owner's best friend I headed straight to the guys and I's usual seat, a table in the corner closed off from everyone but we can see what's happening outside. I pulled the chair to Rita then seated myself. "So what do you want to eat?" I asked her "I don't know steak and mashed potato"

I smiled at myself at her mediocre order and decided to order the same so she won't feel weirded out and called the waiter to inform him of our food I stifled a smirk at his surprised face that he concealed it quickly. Zack's restaurent called La sirène is a Michelin 3 star restaurent that resides in the upper side of Manhattan. Add the fact he is half french this restaurent is up to every high standard there is. Everyone is trained to perfection, the service is very welcoming and professional you will never see a bubble gum chewing, nose-pierced, college student in the restaurent and a very fancy and Victorian decor. It even has sommelier and serves amuse-gueules.

So it was only normal to have the reaction from the waiter but he couldn't say anything as he knew I was an important person to his boss. Finishing my small conversation with the waiter I turned my eyes to Rita who seems to be in awe of the restaurent as she looked around her eyes feasting on every detail she seems to catch. Feeling the heavy stare of outsiders I glared at them before my companion took notice of them and feel uncomfortable especially that I know they were looking at her because the way she is dressed or more like undressed in her newly bought black tight jeans and her short sleeved turtle neck top.

But it didn't matter and never will. Rita is effortlessly beautiful and elegant. and I believe in fate and there was reason why I decided to leave in the night a reason why Alberto forgot to fill the cars which is first and a reason why I decided to venture in that forest my father told me when I was in my late teens and I was learning about our mafia business 'Listen mio figlio just because we lead a life we didn't get to choose doesn't mean we have to deem ourselves bad undeserving of every good . You know how pushing your mother did me more bad then it will ever do me good  and honestly if not for her stubborn nature I would be a lonely man filled with regret' 

But I know Rita is not stubborn and absolutely no fighter a survivor yes but not a fighter and till she learns how to fight I have to be the guide the anchor and the protector and I will gladly be everything else she needs and lacks . As she was still busy studying her new surroundings I took her hand that were on the table in mine effectively startling her and getting her attention on me. She took notice of our joined hands and her face went red as a red as tomato can be I chuckled at her before saying "I hope you won't mind that someone is coming plus I think it's better for you to meet her so you familiarize yourself with her" Rita bobbed her head up and replying " It's okay Rafael as long you would be here."

As if she was hearing her name Bianca Bertolini my secretary who never seem to get the memo that she should wear a presentable clothes headed towards in her usual what she called office clothes. As I stood up to shake her hand she pulled me to her kissing both sides of my cheeks and the moment she did that I noticed the shift in atmosphere "oh and who is this?" I turned to Rita to introduce her in stoic manners ignoring the rudeness of Bianca "Bianca this is Rita and Rita this is Bianca my secretary and the daughter of our old butler" "yeah we knew each other since childhood, and sorry for the cheek kisses you know us italien " I glared at Bianca for trying to put something inexistant in Rita's head " yeah but never close and please Bianca refer from doing that i future that's not professional" I said smiling through my gritted teeth and noticing how she keeps on eyeing Rita in distasteful manners and I knew it's time to move Bianca to another Branch.

Honestly it's a high time to do that, the girl always had this thought in her head that one day we will end up together and for the protection of my girl I don't want to discover in late time that my secretary is psychopath that decided to go after my woman because of her weird obsession with me and I know I could never get rid of her because she is in the mafia too and the only reason she is my secretary because her father sacrificed his life to save my father's so clearing my throat I told her "Where is the the file that was urgent and couldn't wait till I return to work" getting her attention back on me she smiled sweetly "I am sorry sir I forgot the file in the luggage because I thought you already went to Italy." already knowing there is something like that going to happen so before I get angry and do something I will regret in front of Rita I dismissed her and just in time our food arrived.

In the midst of this all not once I looked at Rita's face only now but the girl only had confusion over her cute face and if not for the fact she may misunderstand me I would have laughed because she looks like a computer who had a freezing system problem so instead I handed her a cup of water "Cara are you okay?" and as if I shook her from her state she nodded quickly saying yes not really believing her I waited for her to start eating and I followed her suite.

Eating with her was fun, conversation flowed easily as she talked about how it felt living alone and I told her about my family and other social stuff "Woah so people must work to have money and with the money they live." " Yeah, exactly" " But what if  someone doesn't have money or have little money." "Well there is always charities that help these poor people but it's not much" for some weird I saw panic in her eyes and before I inquire her about it she asked " then what should someone do to have a good job with good income?" "getting high education, you know studying in college but that's hard too because it is also expensive" and if it was possible she panicked even more "hey what's wrong " I asked her softly "I don't want to be poor" I heard her whisper.

Understanding downed at me as I got her point of view, I smiled inwardly " Bambina hey breath, no one is going to be poor" seeing her relax a bit I continued "if you want a job I will get you a job if you want to go to college I will send you there but please never panic because every time I see fear in  your eyes my heart breaks a little more."

' The heart doesn't reason it only feels'

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