Chapter 15|✓

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I don't know how but I am still alive. I am sure it's been more than four days. I am still in shock about Rafael. I mean I didn't want to believe her but why would she lie about something so big that Rafael can easily deny. All in all I am no longer able to see what is true
And what is my imagination. And no I am not only talking about Rafael and the new yet to be confirmed revelation but also about me being conscious of reality because believe me my senses has stopped working. Time and space are irrelevant for me now all I see is Elizabeth's body. The smell of the dead can no longer bother me because it is the air that I now breath. Food has again became a privilege and I think I deserved that one because I have been taking lightly of what I have been blessed with for the last few years.

Bianca said Rafael will only find me when she allows him to. She said she no longer scared of death she just wants to ruin me for Rafael. Scars me so deep that no power in this universe can heal the wounds. At first didn't want to be under her control. I maybe could've not controlled the outside but sure as hell I can control the inside. So I closed my eyes, filled myself with humming to ignore her words and held my breath so deep that I could put a diver into the shame but even a wall can crack and I wasn't even near that.

Honestly since I started slipping in and out of consciousness. My mind has been focusing on one thing trying to be mad at Rafael but for the life of me I couldn't because in a way he was always honest with me. He always telling me reminding that he is hiding a big secret and I can see the guilt in his eyes and I would always hug him to my chest and tell him it's okay no matter what it is we can go through it together and that I am here for him in everything so technically I can't be mad when I am already aware that he is hiding something big from me. Aside from that I can't let him go when we encountered our first problem I promised that I am staying with him forever and I will be damned if I walked away right now and last Rafael has been anything but bad to me. He took care of me when I was in my lowest took me in when I was homeless and set me free when it was needed. So yeah maybe he was a bad person maybe he did that to Elizabeth but until he admits it himself I am believing nothing from that witch.

With a new found energy , I tried to stand up, usually Bianca would be here all day to fill my head with poisonous thoughts but today she left early receiving a phone and leaving the door open. Getting dizzy from all the efforts I made. I tried to look for anything to contact Rafael with.

Finally my eyes landed on the phone nestled in Elizabeth's jean skirt and with shaky hands and irregular breaths I stepped on her now dried blood holding back the vomit that threatened to bolt out and with hasty moves I took the phone into my possession. Without thinking I unlocked it and started typing Rafael's number but the I stopped. I remember when once Nathaniel told me that some organisations have a network system that monitors the networks within their buildings and can be informed about how many people use the phone, whom they are calling what they are telling and even the type of your phone unless I am one radius away from the building.

And I don't really know if Bianca has this type of technology but I have to be careful and find a way out but the only way out is the door but it's a very risky move. Looking around once again I saw an opening to the underground canels it looked small but I was sure I could pass through aslo it's not like have much choice.

The opening had Elizabeth's dried blood on it, taking a deep breath I put one leg through the hole then the second but to my surprise I found no ladder to hold on to and as I tried to pull myself up my arms gave up on me. I started sliding through the cannel in a fast way and I  clutched the cell phone tighter. Suddenly I fell into dirty waters filled with garbage and had a very stinky smell and since I did not know how to swim I started moving around in panic mood trying not to let the phone get wet as the water current was intense.

Breathing got so hard for me I can no longer control my body as garbage and stuff started to hit me forth and south violently due to the intensity of the water current. As I was trying to survive fighting for my life there was light at the end of the cannel only to realise it is like a waterfall and I am probably going to meet my end down there. I felt my life flashing before me and I knew I had to do one thing. Searching for something to hold on to so I can call Rafael one last time I saw tree branch that is hanging from up of the opening end of the cannel. I prepared myself as I got near before taking a breath and lunging towards the branching praying to god to catch it and as if god heard my silent plea of help he granted me one last wish as I felt my hand wrap around the branch and my feet dangling up in the hair getting hit by the water and its dirt as they kept falling.

Not really having the time I unlocked the phone with one hand and typed Rafael's number. Hearing the three rings pass as I began to lose hope. As I was about to hang up on the fourth ring a familiar voice came through

"Giuro su Dio Bianca se questo dei tuoi giochi malati di nuovo sarai morto prima che ti Giuro su Dio Bianca se questo dei tuoi giochi malati di nuovo sarai morto prima che ti incontri (I swear to god Bianca if this one of your sick games again you'll be dead before I meet you) ."

Not having the time nor the energy to say extra stuff I screamed over the The sound of the waterfall " Rafael I love you " suddenly the line went dead I thought he hanged up but I was proved wrong as he started ranting " oh god Rita how are you? hang in there, I figured out where you are I am on my way with the guy few minutes and I would be by your side. I promise you would be back into my arms safe and sound before sunset. " feeling my energy drained and I can no longer hold on to the branch. Tears started to pour out from my eyes as I pulled away the phone a bit and took deep breath as I lied through my teeth " okay I will. " before the phone slipped from fingers and the branch slipped from my hand as I fell into my abyss.

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