I'm Gay for you , Neighbor- Caleb Edition

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 I hopped on my bed with a huff.  The events that occured less than twenty minutes ago had my heart and any other organ running laps at the thought of Benjamin Ashford. My mind wasn't processing him as well as I wanted.

Benjamin Ashford better known as Ben Ash... I thought and smiled to myself. Ben..

I was acting like a girl now. I knew I wasn't straight ,but I  didn't know I was gay.  I was exasperated with myself.

Before today I  was a proud asexual man. No attraction to the male or female sex. . No complex feeling and no hard-ons .A lot of me turning people down.  Just me, myself and I. And just a few hours of him being in the same town sent my libido in a whirlwind. 

Earlier in the day my mother convince me to go driving with her. She said as a Senior I should be able to drive now considering that the event was so long ago that I should of  moved on. The only reason I even agreed was because the  few friends I had, were busy. Actuallly they wanted me to go to the mall ,but I don't do the mall.

At first, I didn't find any more interest in driving than I did in anything before the event. Everything got stale like old bread after the event. Let's just conclude the event ruined anything I dreamt about in my future.

 My mom turned on the radio for the sake of not having the silence I enjoyed so much.

For she knew that I wasn't much of a 'talker'. I'm more of a 'listener'  I am the kind of guy that observed other people and read. Rarely did I sleep, but eating was a habitual trait that even the young  pick up on. Again let's conclude that I only survive on Edgar Allen Poe, Shakepeare ,and whatever my mom cooks (If it's edible).

I  continued to drive horribly on a street that led to the main road and then stopped at a red light. That was the instance that I had seen him.  Just a few microseconds had I seen him.

I saw them when they had first drove in around town hall on the main road. He had his head out of the window, frowning at the town which was weird. Not only was his head out a window of a car and he disliked our surroundings weird, but  his hair was the palest blonde I had ever seen. At first I couldn't tell whether he was male or female until we made eye contact.  Well when I made eye contact  with him. He was scanning the city and I was looking at him.

I was immediatley captivated by him and in that moment the world was too.  I had never seen anyone look so free and alive. Ben had me envious.  I wanted to take some of that freedom and life. Maybe because I hadn't seen anyone like him.

Usually I'm stoic, but those few seconds my facial expressions went from bored to enthralled. My mother had to kill the mood by snapping my attention back to the road.

 When I drove home, my driving  was worst than when I started. My mind would go back to that instance, but the more I thought about him. The more my memory of his face would distort. One second  he had green eye, another blue.

Immediately upon getting out of the car, I looked at the usually-empty house directly across from our home to see a certain someone unloading boxes from a U-haul that was attached to the back of their car. I stood their disbelievingly. 

Is this real? The only person I am interested in lives less than a block away. Am I really this lucky?  

 " Don't stand there gawking? Let's bake something for them." My mother's idea of a warm welcome  was a fresh pie. She was shy ,so at home she would be all types of crazy, but in the presence of other people, it was a completely quiet, different story.

Hours later, my mom baked two pies and a cake. Dessert food was her thing, but food other than that was another story.

 It didn't take long  for us to get there and the woman opened the door faster than you could say Pinebridge. When I first seen her that song 'Jolene' played in my head: although I couldn't remember who it was by.

"Welcome to Pinebridge." I could already tell my mom hoped to snoop around. She was like a mosquito, trying to suck as much out of a stranger without  being noticed. I was on edge as I held the desserts.

"Thank you very much. Come in! Come in!" Mom and I were surprised by how loud she was. We were use to the quiet, because in our home we kept to ourselves and nothing new ever happened. So no need to communicate. "Oh! And you brought  food too." She called two of her sons, Damien and Marcus I think, to take the desserts into the kitchen. I was anxious to see if the one of her sons she called  was the one I had seen earlier.

Unfortunately, they weren't.  The Moms began their banter by introducing themselves and I introduced myself  and my age.

"Your seventeen like my son, Ben." Tiffany ,or Tiff as she told us call her, was a regular single mom with four kids.

"Ben?" I questioned. The guy had finally left my thoughts and that name brung back the distorted image of him.

 "Ben, get up here!" Tiff yelled unexpectedly. Why did she do that? Does she want me to bust a nut on her floor. There was a pregnant pause as we waited for 'Ben' to come.

"Didn't I tell you to call me by my stripper name?!" A husky voice came from a stairway. All of my attention went to the half-naked body ascending the stairs. Those abs, jeans, face and the rest of his body attacked my libido. I felt myself drooling  at the sight of him. Let's conclude that I'm attracted to him and maybe even secretly lusting after him.

We made eye contact which made me unvoluntarily take one last look at his junk before l turned back to his mother. From the corner of my eyes I could see Ben eyeing me from head to toe. I was taken back when I noticed how tall he was and when I stared at those striking grey eyes.

In my mind I was chanting, Albino Albino..              

"Where are your manners," She smacked his arm playfully ",and your clothes?"

"I can't find my clothes, but manners are another thing," He ,then, turned to us and said "I'm Ben Ash. It short for Benjamin Ashford."

"I'm Danniella Jones and this is my son, Caleb ."  I looked at my mother who was blushing crimson as he shook both of our hands.

"I hope Ben Ash isn't your stripper name?" Shit. I had accidentally let that thought slip from my brain to my mouth.  I know, I know. I'm a terrible flirter. 

"Nope. Actually, my stripper name is Benjamin Maxamillion, but Ben Ash does sound kinda delectable, right?" Was he instigating me for more or just humoring  me.

"Umm... Do you live around here?" His mother changed the subject. She didn't know how  excited but scared I was at the same time.

"Y-yes, we live across the street." The Moms continued the conversation and I would take unnoticed glances at Ben.

Ben excused himself by kissing my mother's hand , but kissing all of my knuckles seductively and saying, "Until we meet again." My heart was hammering in my chest.

In the end, we left a couple of minutes after Ben excused himself . Then there I was laying on bed replaying the events over and over until I had finally  fell into a brief lapse of sleep

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