Homo Fotos In The Makings On Mount Sunflower

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This is a very long and mildly disturbing chapter, so get yourself mentally prepared for unicorn sex, Gosling fanboys, and swearing .

"Damien , come on!" I yelled up to the next floor. My plan  was to go exploring around the next cities and take some shots for my photography blog which had been forgotten for the last month. Damien was usually with me and even was my subject most of the time. Unlike most of my family, he respected what I did , and what I was, so having him along was enjoyable.

He hopped down the steps two at a time and stopped infront of me with an expectant look on his face."What? Where are we going?" Luckily , he was dressed for the day already in a grey t-shirt and jeans. I waved my camera in the air and he nodded. We both walked to the door to put on our shoes, but were stopped by Marcus.

"Where are you losers going?" Were all fourteen year olds assholes nowadays? He was leaning on the door frame with his normal glare.

"Mom already said I could use the car, so don't be rude, you little fart." I walked over when my shoes were on and thumped his forehead. Sometimes stooping down to his level was the only way to annoy him.

"Don't fucking touch me." Marcus growled. Ha if the kid though that was going to stop me he'd have better luck finding , marrying, and fucking a unicorn.

Although I knew a gal who had sex with a horse. It didn't end well. From what I heard,she was into anal sex and hooked her body around it. The police had to come hours later to pull the horse out of her, afterwards she was left with ruptured intestines. She survived it all surprisingly, but her social life didn't.

I digress.  I laughed at him maniacally as Damien and I exited the house.

The ride to Mount Sunflower was a couple of hours, but it was filled with wonderful music, the usual small amounts of banter, and the gps. I planned to get off of the trail for as long as possible and take as many pictures as possible. I packed lunches for us to eat later on when we got hungry.

It was beautiful out there. The bluest skies I had ever seen without any clouds.  They reminded me of the pictures Dad took of the sea when he went to the Caribbean. Yup it was that blue. Their was an endless plain of green grass that expanded until the horizon. I felt like I walked into Little House On A Prarie.

"Fucking Gawg- ous"  I let out as a breath, taking off my sunglasses and resting my hands on my hips.  Damien nodded in agreement. I took a few shots before we started walking towards the picnic area and the small shrine to take more. There were men at the shrine putting a sunflower sculpture in place. "Do you mind?" I held up the camera and the man shifted away from it. "N-no. I meant can I take pictures of you guys working?"

He gave me a smile that showed off his perfect teeth. Woah.

"Go ahead." The other man just shrugged.

From the lens of the camera, both of the men were actually handsome. Sweat trickled from their pores, moving the dried dirt from their faces. The one that smiled earlier was frowning as a rusty bolt from the sculpture popped out and was difficult to screw back in from what I was seeing. The other fellow was on his hands and knees , provocatively if I may add. He was working on the base. (A/N: Is it just me or does the two last sentences sound naughty) His face was stoic and he was seriously focused, but grew angry once the other guy began to drop bolts on him. All in all, it was comical. Both reacted from each other without even knowing it. Even though they seemed so separate, I could tell they were closer than they let on. When they would look up/down at each other, then there eyes would connect and it was like they were sending mental messages. That was a level of intimacy that I always admired and secretly wanted.

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