Taming Your Inner Spirit Animal Pt. 2

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"Come on, It was a joke." I jogged after him. He didn't even look at me. His face was again stoic as he blatantly ignored me. My feet still followed him as I had decided to shut my mouth for once.

"It wasn't funny." Caleb's musical voice grumbled after a minute of silence.

The joke I had played wasn't as cruel as he made it out to be. After he had covered his eyes to let me get dressed, I'd done that, but lifted my shirt over my abdomen. It had taken a moment to pry his hand away from his face. His face remained scrunched and his eyes shut tightly. I moved his hand onto my skin and whispered 'I know you want to peek.' And he'd done that, but quickly grew angry at my clothed appearance and ran out the house with me at his tail.

Then there we were a couple blocks later and I was still getting ignored.

"I'm sorry 'kay? You won't hear me apologize again, or it'll totally kill my ego." I matched his strides and smirked halfheartedly. He looked up at me from his dark lashes.

"Say it again if that's the case." My eyebrows raised unconsciously.

"Everyone likes my ego. They say it's a part of my charm." Those chocolate eyes rolled and an unladylike snort escaped him. "Are you saying you don't like it?"

"I think you would be better without it." His eyes were everywhere but on me.

"So that means you don't like me now huh?" I tilted my head slightly to show confusion. Although I could feel a face splitting grin breaking out from my face.

The cutest blush spread across his face."Whatever." His hand pushed my shoulder, making me stumble before matching his pace again. The push was bordering on playful though. "We're here." He huffed, pouting slightly.

Holy moldy mother of Kansas. I was not expecting this.

The Guiding Spirit was written in magenta. The logo was of a third eye surrounded by the name. The building was a complete contrast compared to the rest of the street. It had dark hues and had a slightly sensual BDSM vibe compared to the very vanilla town it was in.

"Holy shit! Your mom is a psychic!" I bounced around him excitedly. I had always wanted to go see a psychic, but never got the chance until now. "Dude, why didn't you say anything this makes you so fucking cool I can't wait to tell Tom." My sentences ended up jumbled and probably really confusing to Caleb.

He didn't say a word, but he did start walking inside, most likely ignoring me again.

The inside of the store was draped in purple hues, casting a mysterious aura on the place. While I was swooning over every detail, Caleb went to find his mom.

"Fancy tarot cards?" They reentered the room just as my fingers skimmed over a deck of tarot cards. His mom looked like another person. Her hair was flowing like a dark river down her back and she wore a blue velvet robe.

"Kinda. I was always a little too nervous to mess with them." Danielle smiled knowingly and proceeded to show us about the tons of boxes that had to be tended to.


The whole process of moving boxes was tiring, but pleasant. Throughout the whole thing I couldn't help, but steal glances at him. The sight of him sweaty and panting was dazzling to say the least. That sight in particular had me stumbling and making a complete fool of myself in front of him and his mom, but seeing that small smile on his face made me want to trip on air again.

I know. Too cheesy for Benjamin Ashford. I should doing something more prideful, not that. That was not me or at least not the normal me.

After thinking for a moment, I shrunk into myself, not really talking any longer. I focused on my thoughts and the task. I'd finally shut up.

"Would you like your fortune read?" Danielle asked after we had finished. As much as my heart was telling me yes, but my body and mind were totally exhausted from my lack of sleep.

"I'll take a rain check. Maybe next time." I sighed as I got out of a plush chair that was next to a shelf of supernatural books. Then a wave of tiredness washed over me. My feet felt like I went on a hike without shoes. My body felt like I'd been beaten with a bat.

"Then come and stay for dinner." She knew  I can't turn down free food. Free food is my kryptonite.

"I don't want to impose." I looked at Caleb for his approval.They started to move and shut all of the lights out while I was standing in the middle of the room awkwardly. A few minutes later, all of the lights were off and they were at the door.

"So are you coming, or not?"


A/N: In celebration of Andreja coming out as a transgender. I know I'm a little late but hey let's celebrate her for her bravery and beauty. Also I'm sorry for the sporadic updates😭😭 I'm honestly trying my hardest to update every week. thanks for reading this though and sticking with me.

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Thanks a Zillion.



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