Taming Your Inner Spirit Animal pt 1 : Caleb +Ben Edition

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Ben's POV

"Ben?" I moved my eyes from my laptop's screen and looked at the teenager standing in my doorway.

"Didn't you just leave?" I could of sworn he left an hour or two ago. He did look a little different though. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"That was more than 24 hours ago." He walked into the room,his eyes scanning the room. They stopped on my form and his brows furrowed. "You're in the same clothes as yesterday." His head tilted as if he was trying to solve a confusing problem. " Well except for the glasses... you worked all night?" I just nodded, finally noticing his change of clothes and the amusment in his eyes. My body felt tense from the lack of sleep.

"So your reason for visiting on this fine..." I glanced at the time, pushing my glasses back up my nose. "Morning."

He looked away and bit his lip. Ah Hah. I've struck gold. He wants to admit his endless love to me. I seen it coming all along. Caleb crossed his arms over his chest and took a deep breath

"My mom needs some help at her shop and told me to get somebody." I continued to stare at him. I really need to stop daydreaming. "And I thought you would want to help... ,but if you-"

"I'll do it. I just need a shower first." If I wanted to earn his trust, this was the first step.

Caleb nodded."You can join, ya'know whenever." I winked at him and heard a distant no thanks after I entered the bathroom. 

Caleb's POV

"No thanks." It came out softer than I intended. I watched him go into the bathroom. The door was ajar and from my vantage point I could see him.

Ben was looking in the mirror, pulling and pushing the skin of his face. A hand reached to his off-white hair and pulled it free. It stretched across his shoulders and moved with the rest of his body as it moved to take his shirt off. The muscles in his arm seemed to bulge as he grabbed the hem. My stomach tightened in anticipation.

He threw the shirt on the floor and turned, so I could see his back muscles work. They pulled taut and his socks were thrown onto the floor. The next thing to go was his shorts. The shorts were added to the growing pile and I gulped in apprehension at the last piece of clothing. His fingers danced on the hem and I felt the stirring in my gut get warmer. My clothes felt too tight, my breathing was constricted.

Just as his thumb hooked around the hem, I turned around. A feeling of shame had swelled over whatever else I was feeling. I was being a pervert. A full blown creep, but the fear of being caught was the only thing that had scared me out of the trance. For a moment, I couldn't focus on anything. Everything was a big confusing blur. The only thing I could see was Ben and his fingers on the edge of his boxers. Again my abdomen tightened.

He had actually aroused me. It was something to be attracted to him, but a completely different ball park for him to turn me on from twelve feet away.
I sighed, Romance is gonna make everything so much harder.

A few minutes later, out walked my best nightmare. Ben dripping wet with a thin towel wrapped around his hips. You don't know how bad I wanted to be that towel. "You don't mind right?"


"You don't mind if I get dressed in here?" I gulped again. All of my fears and phobias were having a civil war with the suffocating lust I was feeling.

"Well, I actually do mind. I don't think it's polite." He turned around and chuckled.

"I asked to be polite." Shaking his head and chuckled some more. "I was gonna do it anyway." He grinned. I frowned.

I covered my eyes with my hands and turned my body in the opposite direction.

Ben was a huge tease.


A/N: Yup so I'm tryin to update more often for everything and I thought since it was summer I would have more time, but I just got a job so that means less hours for writing. I've been writing whenever I have free time tho.

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