Brief Lapse Of Douche-Baggery

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I pulled into our driveway without removing my eyes from him. It didn't take long for me to resize he wasn't in his best mood. I could tell from his body language. Caleb's body was slumped over as he sat on the second step of the porch. His face was covered by his lithe fingers. He looked as if he would cave in any second.

Like the selfish bastard I am, I could only determine it had something to do with me. My mind was plagued by thoughts that soothed my ego. I had a brief moment of Douche-baggery .

Maybe he realized what he was missing. I petted my ego again, but I knew it wasn't true. Honestly, I was stumped about his appearance at my house.

I stepped out of the minivan, dazed and confused while still pampering my ego in untrue thoughts. Damien had walked into the house before I had even reached the porch. Apart of me just wanted to ignore him and go inside ,but I couldn't. I don't even have a logical reason to back it up either. I just couldn't.I awkwardly stood in front of Caleb. He hadn't moved an inch and I only deemed him living, because of the sound of his shallow breath. "Hey." It was the only word my mouth could form at that moment.

"I thought you went inside." His brown eyes peeked from the space between his fingers. I sighed as I sat down next to him.

"Nope ...that was my brother." From the corner of eye I could see him removing his head from his hand. "So... Why are you here." I didn't mean to make it sound so rude. I finally met his eyes and opened my mouth to speak, but he cut me off.

"I needed someplace to go. To escape to...I-I used to come and sit in this house before you came." He was fidgeting and looked tired. His brown hair was messier than usual and his clothes were disheveled and wrinkled. "I didn't mean to bother you..."

"You don't want to leave, do ya?" He shook his head.

"If you want me to-" I didn't let him finish."C'mon. Come inside." I stood up and brushed my shorts off. He didn't say anything until we were inside of my room and even that was ten minutes after we entered. At first he glanced around my room. I had time to decorate in the last three days, but it wasn't anything great. Just a lot of posters and pictures; nothing special. "Sorry for the mess. I really wasn't expecting anyone, especially you." Caleb frowned before pushing everything under the surface. He stood until I told him how much it was distracting me even though I was only saving the pictures to my lab top.

"Especially me?"He sounded offended. I didn't even wanna look at him, inwardly smacking myself for saying it aloud.

"You don't send the best message when ya kiss someone and then ignore them, ya know?" I mumbled and felt another wave of embarrassment. I bet I sounded so fucking needy. I was just like a preteen girl with her first boyfriend and that's thing that had my head spinning. He wasn't my boyfriend, so why was I being so clingy. I doubt I even wanted him as a boyfriend, because he was too... quiet?

"I wasn't ignoring you." My lips didn't move and I pressed them into a thin line. The room was filled with a thick silence that made me feel uncomfortable. "You take pictures?" His voice was slow and calm. He gained his normal stoic expression.

I sat on the floor, leaning against the bed. Caleb was on the bed peering over my shoulder. His warm breath felt wonderful against my skin, but I was still holding onto my attitude.

"No I don't just take pictures." I turned to face him and rolled my eyes. He made it sound so regular... so mundane. It's like fishing. Anyone can fish ,but it takes skill to catch an amazing fish. "I do photography." It was his turn to roll his eyes at me, but he didn't he just stared unblinkingly. "Do you have any hobbies?"

"Does tumblr count?" It was barely audible but it was enough to make me chuckle. Pink dusted his cheeks.

"Yeah. It counts."

We fell into a more comfortable silence. I was editing on my lab top while he sat on my bed and watched me. I also found out that I liked it when he watched me, but that was quickly disrupted when I heard his snores. He was laid out on the bed with his limbs tangled around sheets. His face was scrunched up in agony. I frowned and continued my editing.

A couple of hours later, Caleb caught my attention.

"I-I had-d to... I had to d-do it" His body was trembling so hard that I felt it on the other side of the bed. The trembling turned to shaking and then I had to step in. Whatever the nightmare was about, it was scaring the shit out of him.

"Hey. Wake up." I patted his head, smoothing his bed-hair down. "Caleb. Dude, wake up. Caleb." His eyes fluttered open. They were a light brown, almost golden. My hand kept stroking his head unconsciously as I looked him over. Yup he was more handsome close up than from afar. I had felt the urge to ravish him like any other time I'm in close proximity, but it wasn't the right time. If I had learned anything from my father, it was timing. Although he ditched us at the worst possible moment, he taught me that timing was key and that would been the worst time to make my move. So I forced myself up with all of the pride I had left.

He popped up faster than a Whack-A-Mole, almost head butting me. "Did I say anything?"

"Nope." I lied through my teeth.

"I'm gonna leave." The words sounded like a threat. I nodded submissively. Like my decrepit granny always says when she talks about her past husbands 'You can never tame a wild beast without it's trust.' He stood slowly and began to walk to the door before saying, "I really wasn't ignoring you. I don't talk to anyone really. Believe it or not, I don't talk to anyone regularly except my mom." By then I was already in front of my lab top on my bed. My fingers dangling in front of the keys.

"I'll see you tomorrow." The sentence held a promise that I hoped he would keep.


A/N: Hey. it's been awhile but hey again! Im gonna update Shaman next but plz tell me how you feel about this chapter.

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