Taming You Inner Spirit Animal Part 3

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Caleb's mom was gave us a ride back to their home and I had to fight myself to stay awake. It didn't help that they played classical music the whole ride there. Seriously, that music is like a sleeping pill to me.

Just as I was about to close my eyes the car stopped and Caleb turn in his seat to check on me. His eyes glanced over my body, making sure I survived the trip.

"Do you have coffee inside?"

"Yes. Just follow Caleb inside. I have some calls to make before I come in." I got out of the car, sluggishly following him into there house. He flicked a couple switches and the house sprung to life.

There house was different compared to mine. It was actually cozy and was filled with knick knacks. My mom dictated every single thing that was brought inside of the house. Everything had to match a color scheme, or had a certain place to be kept in. I found the slightly unorganized house refreshing.

Once we were in the kitchen, Caleb pushed me into a plush stool. I laid my face against the cool counter and sighed in content as I was closing my eyes. "No you don't." He forced me to sit up. I smiled as he sat a dark brew in front of me, but was quickly disappointed when I tasted it.

It was tea. I faked a choking sound before pushing the mug away. "Waiter, I believed I ordered coffee." I snapped my fingers to get his attention.

"I'm trying to keep you awake for an hour, or two... not keep you up all night." A small smile crossed his face briefly.

"What if I planned to stay up all night anyway?"

"I wouldn't let you." I raised a eyebrow at him. He ignored me, and began to get ingredients for dinner.

"I'm pretty sure there's other ways I could stay up without coffee." I grinned at the back of his head as he chopped bell peppers. "There's a bed-" "Shit!" I hopped off the stool and went to him.

His luscious lips sucked on his index finger. I was entranced and I silently drooled over those pink lips. Those lips would be so perfect around my.. well you know. " Where are the Band-Aids?" I swallowed my arousal and raised my eyes to meet his. Caleb's cheeks turned a pretty shade of red when he noticed what I was staring at.

"Under the sink." I nodded and went to get one. Caleb tried to take it from me. "I can do it by myself." He fought me weakly.

"No," I slapped his hands away, "It was my fault anyway." I grinned sheepishly and began to wrap it around his wound. "How will we ever do the very dirty deed if you won't even let me mention it?" He snatched his hand away from mine own two and continued cutting the veggies.

"In what world?" He was being very cheeky today.

I liked it.

"In this world. Duh." I rolled my eyes dramatically. He just shook his head as he went about seasoning the meat. I leaned against the counter and watched him. He was elegant with a knife, and that was scary yet I couldn't help but appreciate it.

I chuckled as he glared at me. "Maybe you should focus on the knife. I don't want you to cut another appendage before I had fun with all of you." His cheeks reflected a thousand rubies. "I like it when you blush." I smacked myself mentally for leaving my mind filter at home that day, or maybe because I didn't get an wink of sleep for two nights which was way longer than what Caleb knew about. He would probably force me into any bed if he knew.

Maybe that wasn't a bad idea after all.

"Thanks. I like it when you smile." I beamed at him. His eyes seemingly focused on the food but I knew better.
I waited until he put the roast beef in the oven to make my move.

"Caleb." I caged him in with my arms against the counter. He turned quickly and his eyes widened to large saucers. "I never got the chance to thank you for the compliment." He wiggled trying to get out.

"Your welcome." He said simply, expecting me to back off, but I was an Ashford. We rarely backed down from what we wanted.

I leaned forward. My lips ghosted over his as I looked into his light brown eyes searching for the right answer and when I did, I dove into my sanctuary.

Our lips hummed in perfect harmony. My hands moved from the counter to cup his face and his arms stayed at his side awkwardly. The kiss was wonderful, but I couldn't help but deepen it. His lips opened willingly alongside my own and own tongues battled harder than the Crusades in a clash that wouldn't save any man nor king.

Caleb mewled under my wraith. I nearly lost all control until I heard the front door click. I pulled myself away, distancing myself before I felt the urge to pounce again.

After dinner Danielle told us to wait in Caleb's room while she made a quick dessert. I followed Caleb up to his room with a spring in my step. The whole meal I was giddy while Caleb was back to his normal state of blank expressions. He hadn't spoken since before the kiss and as we entered the room I couldn't help but see it as my fault.

He sat at a wooden desk and I sat on his bed. It was one of those therapeutic mattresses. My ass nearly passed out at the feel of it.

He got on his own computer and went to tumblr, completely ignoring me again. "Aren't you supposed to entertain guests?" He rolled his eyes at me.

"Don't start-" I cut him off ."Look. I guess I shouldn't of kissed you since you're not really into the girl, or guy thing as far as I know , but I couldn't help it and I definitely don't regret it ,so I refuse to apologize." I said with a curt nod. Caleb just stared at me. When he didn't say anything, I fell back onto his bed with a groan.

Why is everything so difficult with him, was my last thought as my eye lids slowly closed and I fell into a deep sleep.

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