Walking On Anger And Pavements

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I was still angry. Not as much I was at Outside Of The Box and not for the same reason. It was a subtle confused anger.

I was confused about Caleb. He agreed to walk home with me but acted like he didn't want to. I could feel his eyes on me as I walked ahead of him, not knowing which way to go. I was leading blindly. He just  followed just as. 

I was still angry about Drake. He was probably a sadist and got off on other's misery.

The sun had long gone and retreated to brighten someone else's day. The night air was humid. You could feel the sweat escaping every pore. That itself was so uncomfortable for me. I was a cold person. Not personality wise, but temperature. In Chicago, I would definitely miss the cold weather. I would miss the snow and the hot chocolate that I would curl up with on a cold night when we got six inches of snow. I would miss the day after it snowed so heavily that I couldnt deny my inner child. On a day like so I would drag my friends to play in it and create a deformed frosty in the courtyard of my old apartment complex. 

That wouldnt be the only thing. I would miss everything about Chicago. I will miss each thing about Chicago. 

I am missing every little thing about Chicago that I may have even hated before. Then it all seems so surreal.  So dreamlike.It was just like a sweet nightmare that eventually leaves the word 'sweet'.

I had nothing in Pinebridge. I had no one in Pinebridge.  Well maybe just Damien, but other than him I am alone. "Did you ever want to give up?" I turned around to face him, asking whistfully. His muscle shirt was thin and had a patch of sweat in the front. He looked so mussed up.

"Almost every day." His voice was low and tired. He stopped in front of me. "Why do you ask?" I scratched the back of my neck in embarassment.

"I just wanted to know." I did. I needed to know whether I was the only one that was feeling that. He walked dangerously close to me. Those chocolate eyes held me captive. My body stood still as our chests began to touch.

"Just don't be rash, okay?" His voice had been husky and dark with an emotion that I couldn't decipher. Worry? My stomach tingled at the thought. His eyes became softer as they looked, searching. Searching for some sign of approval.

Sparks flew as his soft lips melded with mine in a chaste kiss. It was so soft, but rough with emotion. So meaningful in those few seconds. Those seconds seemed like hours as butterflies made my stomach tingle more so. All of my anger and doubt flew away into oblivion.

I pulled back with shock and stared at him. Heat rushed to my cheeks. I've been kissed ,but never so innocently nor without the feeling of a great lust. He still held his stoic expression ,but I could tell he was in his thoughts. Caleb's eyes met mine again. This time seriously. I had momentarily forgot about his request. "Okay." I confirmed. He let out a breath and smiled. A genuine smile and I liked it. It may of been a small one ,but was just as glorious as any other. "Can we go now? I feel like I was walking in circles."

"You were." was all he said as he led the way home with me in tow. We were silent, but it was more comfortable than when we started the journey home.

He walked me to my doorstep and stood there silently. I stood on the sidewalk while he on the first step of the porch. This made us finally eye to eye.

"I know today was horrible, so sorry.I mentioned you in a text to Ira and they all came to see you."

"It wasnt horrible at all. I got to meet your friends and we had a good time and... I got to kiss you." I was giddy like a school girl after her first kiss. His tan face reddened. Truly adorable. I smirked at him and his crumbling disposition. Honestly, I had the urge to kiss him, but my conscious was nagging at me. It was saying be patient and good things will come to those who wait. So I decided to wait indefinitely.

I began to head for the door until he grabbed my wrist. " I'm just across the street if you want to talk." Caleb was sincere and I smiled and nodded. "I'm serious. I don't get much sleep anyway." I nodded again as he finally let go of my wrist and I went inside.


A/N: Hey. Early updates! Yay! THIS CHAPTER TURNED OUT AWESOME. I was nervous about it, but I'm so happy about it now. Especially the kissing scene. *squeals* That was like heaven for hopeless romantics like myself. The chapter song is I Will Follow You Into The Dark by Death Cab For Cutie. I am in love with them so listen Nd love just like me.

Thanks A Bajillion



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