Seconds Should Come First

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Bang! Bang!    I jolted awake and instantly went into attack mode. Hopefully my awakener wouldn't be someone too important.

Bang! They made the loud noise again and I groaned.

I grabbed my loud intruder, pulling him onto my bed.  He had tried to put up a fight , but my strength prevailed.

After glancing down at the fellow I had pinned down on my bed, I realized it wasn't one of my 'beloved' family members. It was Caleb. Looking absolutely delectable, edible , and vulnerable under me.

His eyes were browner than I remember. I could see specks of gold near his pupils. Those lips were a pale pink. How beautiful.

Did I just say that?

Caleb's cheeks dusted pink  as he heard my low whisper. The blush went from his face to down his neck and further reaches that I wished to see.

I felt myself lean forward and my then lidded eyes slowly closed.

"Mom's coming." Damien stopped me before I claimed what I thought should of been mine. I paused as my lips skimmed his and  moved away. Caleb took a breath, staring at me from his spot on the bed.

Damien pilled the pots he used in a corner and remained in the room.

Everyone put themselves together when we heard her footsteps on the stairs. She smiled at Caleb and greeted him with a hug like he was a long lost relative.

"Well it seems our princes have awoken." Cheers to my mom for the worst medieval accent ever.  I hadn't even noticed that Damien had on his pajamas .

"Yeah. Well the time change was hard on us." I rubbed my face and secretly tried to get my heart to slow.

"Ben, make sure you don't try to infect him." I caught her meaning behind the words. She doesn't want me to turn him gay like I'm Gay Dracula or some shit. Like I had a bad cold. Like I have the zombie infection and she thinks  she is 'looking out' for my poor spouse.

Like being gay was a disease.

I flinched at words. She was still my mom and the fact that she was a bitch didn't stop the pain. Leaning against the blank wall, I was scowling at Caleb  and my mother who was having a half-assed conversation.

"Get out," I knew Caleb did not catch her secret meaning ,but I grew  annoyed of my mother's constant jabbering. They stared at me as if I was fucking my mattress. "Get the Hell out of my room."

I knew my mother had a thousand things to yell at me , but we had company so 'no cursing in front of company'.

"We will talk about it later." She huffed and left out of the door. Caleb was walking out of the door and I couldn't let him go. I grabbed his forearm to stop him and he looked at me in confusion.

"Come back in a hour." His frowned at my bipolar attitude. "Please?"

He nodded and I told Damien to show him out.


A\N: Hey.. It's an update for my sudden spike in reads. Also for a certain person for reminding me. lol Check out my other books for more romance like this.

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