Chapter 23-Painting The Walls

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On Sunday morning, I found myself waiting for Jem. Everything was prepared for the day, and I was stuck staring at time. I prayed to God, Mary, Jesus, and...uh, Joseph-right?-that I would no be disturbed by any of the brothers, and when the doorbell rang, I zoomed to the entrance to greet the said person ringing it. I opened the door with a smile to be greeted by Jem on the other side.  

"Hey, sorry I was late," he said.

"Nah, don't worry about it," I replied. "You aren't too late. Was it traffic?" 

"No, actually," Jem laughed. "Actually I crossed paths with a friend of yours."He stepped aside to reveal Bellona standing there. She waved with a wide grin. "She was excited to hear that I was going to your place and she followed. Hope you don't mind."

I kneeled down to meet eyes with the girl. "Hey, Bell' it's been awhile, hasn't it?" I asked. She laughed and nodded. 

"Yes, it's been a long time!" She wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me. "I've missed you! I haven't seen you in so, so long!" 

"It sure has been," I laughed. "What were you doing outside alone though?"

"I was going to see you again, silly!" She said. I winced a bit.

"You shouldn't go outside alone without your parents," I warned. 

"But they're always busy with some guys! Mommy says they work for the military and it's important to help them!"

I didn't know what Bellona meant by that, but I think it would be best if I didn't ask. That was her personal life, and I'm pretty sure she knew just as much as I did. "Is that so, huh?" I said. "Well, since you made it here, I guess you could help us paint, right?" 

"Yeah! It sounds like fun!" She chimed. 

"Cool, I got everything ready in my room. All we gotta do is crack these babies open and we're good to go," I said, referring to the paint buckets. I led them to my room, and Jem opened the paint cans, a poor a little in each tray. I gave each one of us and unused roller, and gave Jem an extra brush since he volunteered to do the small corners and sides for us. 

Thus we started. The newspaper I set around the floor seemed to help, for every time we dropped a bit, it would catch it, saving me the trouble of wiping it off my floor, which Jem guaranteed was a pain. However, it wasn't until long that we had company of our won, wondering what the hell we were doing.

"What the hell are you doing? Why does it smell so bad in here? I could smell it a mile away." The three of us turned to the voice to see Ayato and Subaru walking through my room. Subaru didn't seem too bothered by the smell, but Ayato was seen pinching his nose. 

"Painting," I answered. I put my roller down on the tray and wiped my hands as I walked up to them. "Wanna help?"

"Ah, Su-su is here!" Bellona chimed, running up to the albino. She clung onto his arm, and in response, Subaru grunted and tried to wiggle the girl off. 

"Su-su?" Ayato mimicked. Both the takoyaki-loving male and I snorted. Ah, I loved that nickname. 

"Shut up!" Subaru retorted. He looked over at me. "So why are you even painting these damn walls? What's the point?" He noticed Jem. "And who is he?" He asked. 

I looked over my shoulder to glance over at the boy shily waving. "Uh...m-my name is Jermey."

"You mean, Jeremy?"Ayato corrected.

"N-no," he stuttered back. "Jermey...Germ-ee!"

"That's such a stupid name," Ayato said. I jabbed his side with my elbow. "Ow, that hurt!" 

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