Question Happy Time 1

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Question time~

Thank you for sending in all your lovely comments and questions! I loved answering them so, so much!!

Favorite musical? 

I'll have to say Heathers. However, I keep running back to Hamilton, so those are my favorite!!

Favorite brother?

Now on terms of the Sakamakis, I really enjoy Shu them most. In the game, he seems more fleshed out. You seem him show more emotion and care for Yui more. From all the routes, I'd say that Shu had the most development. However, don't feel any kind of attraction to him.

If you asked me who my favorite overall, that would be Yuma. I really liked him and his route. He's such a dork in the game. He enjoys of making fun of Yui, but in a cute way. He makes fun of how a boar would be the idle husband for her, but he obviously is joking. Not to mention he has a interesting past. In all honesty, I find his past the most compelling of them all because he went through some serious shit!! I love that boi so much, but I'm often scared to write him because I fear I won't do him any justice.

How did you get into DL?

You know...I don't really think I had this phase for romance and cheesy romance novels. So I read a bunch of cliché wattpad stories and really bad romance novels, and badda bing-badda boom, one thing led to another and I was watching DL. I didn't really like it that much cause all the characters were so flat even for my beginning weeb standards, but boi were they cute-even Yui. I found her so precious, especially in the game where she kills like...all the brothers...I really liked her in the game. She's so pathetic in the anime tho.

Why do you like Yuma so much?

I'm a sucker for the rough and tough characters, but Yuma had a bit more too him. He enjoys gardening...not exactly the most rough-tough activity but he does it with pride and no fear, and learning upon why he enjoys it so much, it makes me more drawn to him. He was a bit more fleshed out character in my opinion. As me to give you a scale of fleshed out and flat, I can give you my personal opinion, Yuma would definitely be one of the firsts on the list to be a good character ((or at least moderately okay))

Who will the reader most likely end up with?

I'm so glad someone asked this!

Now, for this fanfic, I've decided that the reader/you were going to even up with everyone!! In just one big fuck pile!!

Haha, no. At the end of the story, I'm going to do multiple endings. One for each brother, an ending where she ends up with no one, and two beginning endings...I will not elaborate on that. You will just have to wait. I am also considering doing a few bad endings for one or two of the brothers, but that is debatable. Cause I'll be honest here, I see in very rare cases, Laito being actually loyal. Of course I'll give him an ending of such, but I wanna express his side of being a player and how old habits die hard.

Who do you enjoy writing the most?

Hands down, Subaru. His tsundere personality is so much fun with mess with, especially with a reader that enjoys weird references and jokes.

What's your favorite meme?

wHaT's YoUr FaVoRiTe MeMe?

((Take a guess~))

What inspired you to write this story?

Oh golly! Get ready for an essay here!

Before this story, I was very much into DL, however I could not see it without its flaws. I liked Yui in the game she had a little more spunk, but even throughout the anime and the game, she was still a bit of a carpet to walk over and bit too forgiving for her own good. All the brothers seemed to have flat personalities, especially in the anime. Though, I could see people giving them a bit more if they tried.

So I decided to look up fanfictions for the fandom. However, what I found didn't give me the justice I wanted. I kept running into the same things: Overly powerful OC/reader, sister OC/reader, another Eve/Bride, some kind of inhuman, the OC/Reader that has better blood than Yui, etc. For the most part, I found these characters kinda bland and unoriginal cause one was just following another, and what's worse is that the brothers fall for this character instantly, giving no room for an actual developing relationship. There was no character development. Hell, I found some fanfics that just replaced Yui and followed the entire anime. Now don't get me wrong, there are some gems out there, but for the most part, I found almost all the fanfics uninteresting and dropped the immediately. If you ask me for more detail, I could go on and on. ((However, there is this one DL story on Wattpad that I absolutely adore!! It's called Diabolik Lovers Crack. The OC Kaya is AMAZING AND FUNNY))

For the most part, I also wanted a fanfic with a sense of humor. I learned through the audios that the boys do more than just act emo and drink blood. They enjoy themselves in a nonsadistic way. They have crazy dreams. They have cute arguments. They do stupid things! Kou and Laito were forced to eat a blend of pasta and macaroons that Reiji forced them to eat, and they acted so dramatic like they were gonna die, but then they enjoyed it!! Reiji had a bizarre dream where he was eaten by Teddy, and when he woke up, he became scared of the said toy!! Yuma and Subaru had a manly competition with Ayato judging!! A manly competition!! Shu, Subaru, and Kou accidently participated in a sexy man competition in the demon world!! The Sakamakis got freakin' DRUNK!! Ayato obsessed about ninjas!!

They are capable of having fun, and you learn that they're all secretly dorks. They aren't just personified unchecked emotions and daddy issues with a hint of sexy. They were dorks!! They act stupid at times, all of them!! And not many fanfics did that for them. They were all "the sexy, broken vampire that falls in love with you because reasons."

What I wanted in an OC/reader that will allow the brothers to gain compassion that they have but don't show. If they can fall in love, they have some humanity in them, and almost no fanfic showed that. Most reader/OCs sunk down to their level and degraded them until it came into a heated debate, then a heated make out.

That's when I thought of making my own fanfic. I thought: what would happen if a normal reader with no powers or special blood dealt with them. Her power: her shear will and her knowledge about them. Now being a fourth wall breaking addict, I decided to take it one step further. What if she was an ex fan of the DL fandom, but saw the flaws and dropped out? How would she deal with them? As for the brothers, how will they live in the western world where having unnatural-natural colored hair and dressing like they do would give them strange looks instead of instant admiration? How would they deal with real humans?

How would they deal where every pretty girl isn't a stereotypical slut? How would they deal with people seeing them as equal rather than gods? How would deal...with you, a character that doesn't have special blood, magic powers, and is a normal human, because the shear will of a human being can be a power in itself?

Thus, this story was born, I would still take a part in this story, but as the author where I get to make you suffer-I mean make you happier-er...yeah! But at the same time I get to grow relationships, have the brothers learn and mold themselves past their mistakes and dark selves and learn to have fun.


Thank you again for all the questions!! I had so much fun answering them!! Please, PLEASE, send in more if you'd like. Nothing is too stupid. You can even ask me how the brothers would react to a certain scenario or situation. I'll gladly take them all. Engaging with you the reader is so much fun!!

Until next time, my pretties!!

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