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Chapter 25

Logans POV
Numb. Thats all I felt. Nothing else.

Now my only family was gone. I stood by the garden and finally I lost all feeling in my arms. I listened as my gun fell with a thud to the ground.

I was stuck in a trance with the fuzzy sound of Daryl crying and Judith screaming.

It wasn't until I heard my name that I started to acknowledge the people in my surroundings,"Logan?"

I turned around and saw dad. I couldn't keep the tears at bay anymore and they flowed down my face in a steady stream. I ran towards him and cried,"Daddy."

I jumped into his arms and felt his wet tears start to soak through my shirt. "It's okay son I'm here. We will get her back."

I cried even more as I thought about what could happen. What eventually will happen in a matter of days. Now she won't feel safe. Not after what Colin has done to her.

After we calmed down I stumbled my way back into my cell. I just lied there and nothing can describe how I felt. No words can sum up what I am feeling.

I am alone right now in a world of things that want to kill me. My mom is gone and my dad never cares for me. I know that Glenn isn't my dad but I love him and thats all that matters.

I was alone and lost in my own thoughts until I herd someone knocking on the door frame of my cell. I turned around and saw Carl. "What Carl? Can you just leave me alone right now?"

He just shook his head and screamed,"Your mom is out there right now and all you can do is mope around crying!"

I just looked at him and said,"It's not exactly my fault that she's gone! It was your watch to begin with!"

I watched as the facts hit him and he started to cry. "Logan I am sorry. I forgot that I had a shift."

"Now for all I know she's dead right now!" I screamed.

"You don't know that!" He screeched back.

"Might as well. We ain't ever gonna see Beth, my mom or my little brother or sister again! Don't you get it? They are D-E-A-D, dead!" I yelled back and broke down crying.

I herd Carl mumble,"At least you still have a mom."

I chuckled and said,"At the moment that is one of the only things we have in common. We don't have a mom."

He just looked at me, shook his head and then walked away. I got up and walked to my mom and dads cell. As soon as I sat down all of the memories came flooding back to me.

I couldn't be strong anynore so I just sat there and cried. Since nobody is going to look for them I will.

I jumped off of the bed and ran to my cell. I packed everything that I would've needed for about a week of travel for two people; food, water, lighter, blanket, 2 pistols with ammo, 2 knives, and a machine gun. I was about to leave when I saw our family picture sitting on the little table beside my bed.

I smiled to myself and grabbed it. With that all I had to do was sneak past whoever was on watch and then I would be home free.

I started out the door and I had made it to the gates when Glenn spoke up,"Logan Blake Greene get away from the fence."

I whipped around,"Don't you ever call me that Glenn."

"I will because I have every right to, you're my son." He said to me. Who the hell does he think he is?

"No your not. My mom is Maggie and my father is Colin and I was conceived by rape. I am not the result of an act of love but hate." I said and started to cry.

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